Nature: Breakthrough! Scientists develop new compounds that can treat many types of cancer

Nature: Breakthrough! Scientists develop new compounds that can treat many types of cancer

October 21, 2016 Source: Bio Valley

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- Recently, a research report published in the international magazine Nature , researchers from the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute in Australia showed that a special compound can effectively block Breaking the role of a key protein that is critical to sustaining at least a quarter of cancers, and research can help researchers develop new ways to effectively kill cancer cells and develop treatments such as acute marrow Novel therapies for cancers such as leukemia, lymphoma and various solid tumors (melanoma, etc.).

The compound named S63845 discovered by Servier can target the BCL2 family protein MCL1, which is essential for the sustained growth of cancer cells. Researcher Lessene pointed out that inhibition of MCL1 protein can effectively target multiple types. Cancer. MCL1 protein is very important for many cancers because it is a pro-survival protein that allows cancer cells to escape the process of programmed cell death. A large number of studies on cancer models have shown that compound S63845 can effectively target dependence. Cancer cells in which MCL1 protein survives.

The researchers believe that S63845 can not only effectively resist many types of cancer, but also be able to be tolerated by normal cells at a certain dose. Dr. Olivier Geneste said that preclinical studies have revealed the potential drug-forming properties of MCL1, which we consider to be a very valuable and challenging target, and we will soon launch a clinical study to develop MCL1 inhibitors.

This study also illustrates the usefulness of a new class of anticancer drugs called BH3 mimics that inhibit a class of functions called pro-survival BCL-2, since MCL1 is a member of the protein family. Inhibition can activate the process of programmed cell death. In addition, the researchers have revealed the key role of BCL-2 in cancer and the important role of MCL1 in the survival of malignant cells.

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