Raspberry ramets and sticking methods

Reproduction of many raspberry varieties Many raspberry varieties are prone to rooting and seedlings. Generally, a large number of root-seeded seedlings occur in June-September and grow vigorously. Excavated root-seeded seedlings that grow to more than 20 cm in length and are semi-lignified in stages. Keep roots intact. Planted in a nursery nursery, spacing (15-20)cm x 30cm. After planting, it needs to be watered and fertilized, carefully managed, protected by defoliation after falling leaves, and the garden can be built in the second year of spring.

Batten propagation Most cultivars of blackberry and raspberry grow to a certain length and the tip bends downward. For these plunge branches topping, multiple shoots can be obtained. When the branch grows to about 20cm, dig 15-20cm shallow groove from 1m away from the mother plant, bury it, cover soil 5-7cm, take root for about 2-3 weeks. When the seedling grows to 40-50cm, fill the groove and fertilize the water promptly. In this way, each plant can breed 20 to 30 new plants each year.

Double Packed Mottled Waxy Corn

Eating more corn can increase the brightness of our eyes. Because corn is rich in substances such as carotenoids and these can be said to be used as ingredients for brightening the eyes, eating a proper amount of corn can help to slow down the loss of our eyesight.

And corn is rich in nutrients, with protein, body fat, tapioca starch, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin A, vitamin E, carotene, methyl cellulose and calcium, phosphorus and iron. According to research, fresh corn contains 4-5 times more body fat than rice and flour, and contains unsaturated fat, of which 50% are fatty acids, which inhibit the digestion and absorption of cholesterol. It is an excellent medicine for long-term use to reduce blood cholesterol and soften blood vessels, making it an ideal vegetable oil for patients with hypertension, coronary heart disease, obesity and the elderly.


Double Packed Waxy Corn Cob

Colorful Gluten Corn,Colorful Gluten Waxy Corn,Colorful Gluten Glutinous Corn,Double Packed Mottled Waxy Corn

Jilin Province Argricultural Sister-in-law Food Co., Ltd. , https://www.nscorn.com