Skin favorite seven foods

Everyone wants to have healthy and beautiful skin, but healthy skin cannot do without scientific diet.

Deep-sea fish and other foods rich in essential fatty acids. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are essential for healthy skin. Their best food sources are sardines, tuna, salmon, shrimp, walnuts and other nuts, seeds such as sesame and flaxseed, eggs and soybeans.

Dark fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants can fight free radicals in the human body, protect the skin and make the skin more full and elastic. Fresh fruits and colorful vegetables are rich in antioxidants, such as strawberries, raspberries and blackcurrants such as berries, purple grapes, broccoli, carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes and tomatoes.

Animal liver and other foods rich in vitamin A. Vitamin A helps the skin form new cells, makes the skin softer, and prevents dry chapped. Vitamin A-rich foods include whole milk and eggs. In addition, β-carotene can be converted into vitamin A in the human body. Foods rich in this nutrient include spinach, cauliflower, carrots, pumpkins, and the like.

Nuts and other foods rich in vitamin E. Vitamin E has a moisturizing effect on the skin. Premature wrinkles, pale skin, acne and easy bruising, and slow wound healing are symptoms of vitamin E deficiency. Peanut butter, malt, and whole grains are sources of vitamin E.

Coarse grains and other foods rich in B vitamins. B vitamins help promote skin metabolism and keep skin moist and smooth. The best food sources are milk, peanut butter and so on.

Zinc-rich foods such as seafood. Zinc has beneficial skin health and can promote wound healing. Zinc diet can also eat more cheese, nuts, whole grains and mushrooms.

Iron-rich foods such as red meat. Iron is very important for the formation of hemoglobin. The whiteness and darkness of the face all indicate that the body is iron-deficient. Iron can also eat more animal liver, seafood, eggs and so on. (Zhang Jian)

Biochemical Pharmaceuticals

Antirabies Serum Inj.400iu/2ml; 1000iu/5ml 5`S/Box
Chymotrypsin Inj. 5000I.U./5Vial+5Amps solent 5+5/Bo
Glutathion Powder for Inj. 600mg 10`s/Box
Human Gamma Immunoglobulin (5%) 50ml IV 1`S/Box
Insulin Inj. 300iu/3ml 1`s/Box
Polygeline 3.5% 500ml, IV 1`s/Box
Tetanus Antitoxin 1500iu,10000iu 10`s/Box

Injectable Insulin,Glutathione Lyophilized,Equine Tetanus Antitoxin,Tetanus Antitoxin Injection