Summer bacteria how to prevent food poisoning

Typical conditions of food poisoning include: nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea. In severe cases, high fever, bloody stools, and persistent vomiting may also occur. Children, pregnant women, the elderly and those with weaker immunity are especially vulnerable to food poisoning.


In warm weather, bacteria, both in food and in the air, grow very quickly.

Prevention of food poisoning in summer

Recently, with the gradual increase of temperature, foods are easily contaminated by microorganisms. Various types of food poisoning accidents are prone to occur. Consumers must first choose fresh and safe foods. They must go to regular businesses to purchase foods and keep shopping vouchers.

Many farmers now spray various pesticides during the vegetable growth period to prevent vegetable worms. Therefore, it is best for residents to go to the formal market when buying vegetables. If the edible parts of the vegetables are damaged, they can be eaten by insects, and these leaves should be removed to leave other intact leaves for consumption.

Before eating, if it is washed with water, it can be soaked for 20 to 30 minutes, or with a special detergent, according to the detergent product instructions can be used. In addition, you can also wash vegetables with rice water, which can effectively remove residual pesticides.

In the summer, eat in the restaurant, and order as many hot dishes as possible when ordering. The leftover vegetables should not be packed. If you want to hold a large banquet such as a wedding banquet or a birthday party, you must choose a restaurant that has sufficient reception capacity because you need to make finished or semi-finished products of some dishes long before the opening of the banquet. If the food is not properly preserved, it can easily deteriorate, and it is easy for food poisoning. .

In summer, even if the food does not stay overnight, it must be refrigerated in time, and it must not be stored at room temperature. Daily cooking, try to eat as much as possible in the principle of how much to do, try not to leave meals, especially in the high temperature and humidity in the summer, the food is particularly easy to get worse.

The unfinished leftovers must be kept in the refrigerator, and they should be wrapped in plastic wrap to prevent food cross-contamination in the refrigerator. Because meals contain pathogenic bacteria that can tolerate low temperatures, they are often overlooked.

To prevent food poisoning, what you can do is:

Some things seem simple, but not everyone can do it. For example, wash hands thoroughly, preferably with soap or hand sanitizer, especially after going to the toilet and before cooking or eating. During cooking, utensils should be washed; raw and cooked foods should be separated; foods should be thoroughly cooked; fresh foods should be stored in the refrigerator as soon as possible. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends that when the temperature is above 90 degrees (Fahrenheit), do not expose the food more than one hour. At other times, food should not be placed outside for more than two hours. Clark added: "The public should keep the hot food hot and keep the frozen food frozen." In addition, fruits and vegetables should be rinsed with cold water; rough-surfaced fruits (eg, cantaloupe and melon) should be wiped clean with a soft brush.

When you prepare food for a picnic, cold food is put in a refrigerator filled with ice, and it should be kept at a temperature below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition, the refrigerator should be placed in a cool place; hot food should be wrapped and placed in a heat-resistant container at a temperature of 140 degrees Fahrenheit or more.

Patients with food poisoning must have sufficient water, so after vomiting, patients can try to chew ice or drink liquids. About the next day of illness, patients should only eat light foods such as bananas, rice, apple sauce, toast, biscuits, and soup. If there is severe pain during the illness, or if vomiting does not improve for several hours, or if there is bloody diarrhea, the patient should go to the emergency room as soon as possible.

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