Summer heat and nourishing yin and lungs is the key to nourishing yin and moisturizing food recommended

After entering the summer heat, the weather becomes more and more dry, and the air is dry and hurt the lungs. Therefore, the key to treating health in summer is to nourish yin and moisten the lungs. In addition to drinking plenty of water, anti-Qiuzao may wish to work hard in the diet. Here we recommend some common Ziyin lungs food, this season rely on them to keep the lungs.

Summer heat, nourishing lungs and food

The first treasure: lily

The lungs have not always liked dry air. In dry conditions, it is easy to accumulate toxins. Lily has a good lung nourishing effect, can help the lungs fight toxins. Lily is a very ideal solution to Qiuzao nourishing lung yin. Lily sweet and slightly cold, into the heart, lungs, with lungs and cough, soothe the nerves of the effect of pure Qiubao have a good preventive effect.

There are many ways to eat lilies. You can eat dishes such as leeks and stir-fried lilies. Cut first the leeks and stir them together with the lily petals. This is a delicacy, especially suitable for patients with lung diseases.


Second Treasure: Sydney

Pear is one of the best lung foods in autumn. Eating one or two pears a day can effectively relieve Qiuzao. And now the air pollution is more serious, eat more pears can improve the function of the respiratory system and lungs, protect the lungs from dust and smoke in the air.

Eating raw pears can relieve phlegm and dryness caused by upper respiratory tract infections, such as throat dryness and itching, dry cough, polydipsia, and hot flashes. Pears will be squeezed into juice, add fat sea, wolfberry, a little rock sugar, boiled to drink it, on the constitution Huo-wang, prone to laryngitis, with a moist throat, add body fluid effect. Add raw pears with rock sugar or honey, paste into a paste Serve "autumn pear cream", can treat hyperactivity cough.

Third treasure: Yam

Yam is one of our common ingredients. It is rich in nutrients and it is very effective for our spleen and tonifying the lungs. In the autumn, the lungs are the focus of health care. Well, it is better to eat more yams than in this season. Good choice. The role of yam and yin deficiency and clearing heat, Huang Guan embroidery in the "Materia Medica truth", said the yam is a food, the ancients used to decoction, said that their spleen Qi to remove heat. Its color white into the lungs, sweet smell into the spleen, although the gas is warm and flat, to fill the spleen and lung yin, is able to run fur, long muscles. Its astringent, can cure nocturnal emission can not help, sweet and salty, but also strong yin yang, raw carbuncle apply acne, swelling hard, but also Yin Yin fever.

The washed yam is mashed and added into sugar and stuffed into a glutinous rice ball with glutinous rice flour; it can also be made of yam; or peeled and washed with light salt water, cut into small pieces, and add sugar osmanthus sauce. Cold plate.

Fourth treasure: duck

Nutritionists believe that when the new ducks were raised in the fall, their meat was strong and nutritious, they could supplement the essential protein, vitamins, and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Ducks are water fowls, and they are cold and cool. They should be eaten by body heat and fire. Chinese medicine claims that ducks are "medicines" and nourishing top grades. This is due to the higher nutritional value of duck meat. The fat content of duck meat is moderate, about 7.5%, which is higher than that of chicken and lower than that of pork.

For people who are prone to cough, cold, and other respiratory diseases, such as the weaker, you can add duck soup, add food (yam, lotus), Chinese medicine (jaundice or American ginseng), usually 30 to 60 grams; for high For blood pressure patients, you can add food (black beans or red beans) and Chinese herbs (60-100 grams of wolfberry) when you make duck soup; for diabetics, you can add food (pumpkin) and Chinese herbs when you make duck soup. (50 grams of Humectine); for tuberculosis patients, when preparing duck soup, food (lily) and Chinese medicine (Cordyceps militaris or Nansha ginseng) can be added; for females, due to the dry skin of autumn, duck soup can be prepared. At the time, add food (lily) and Chinese medicine (Yuzhu) to play a role in skin care.

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