Symptoms and Solutions of Stomach Humbiness

Stomach fire is stomach heat.

For the irritability caused by improper diets such as alcoholism, craving for spicy food, eating too much savory food, etc., Chinese medicine calls it Stomach Fire, which is usually caused by moist heat and food lag.

At the same time, anger is also caused by the three major causes of diet, quality and time.

A slight stomach fire Sheng, as if you never eat enough, in fact, is the illusion of stomach heat to the brain; to the fire to a certain stage, the inflammation of the stomach, it will become nothing to eat, it can be said that the pole will be the opposite.

Typical symptoms:

Long acne, swollen gums, bad mouth. Stomach fire is divided into two kinds of virtual reality, false fire manifested as mild cough, poor appetite, constipation, red tongue, little moss, daily habits, fatigue caused by the fire; during the Chinese New Year to eat out The real fire manifested itself as upper abdominal discomfort, dry mouth and hard stools.

Fire prevention essentials:

Chinese medicine believes that the regulation of stomach fire should follow the principle of clearing away heat and suffocation. We must exercise dietary control to eat less over-heated things, eat less sweet foods, add yellow-green vegetables and seasonal fruits to diets, and supplement vitamins and inorganics. The lack of salt, and pay due attention to oral hygiene.

Eat more coarse grains and drink plenty of water

Reduce fire and food:

Lily mung bean porridge, scallion soup (selected wolfberry and fresh squid 250 grams each, add appropriate amount of rock sugar), fresh radish juice, mung bean porridge, watermelon

Fire suppression method:

Niuhuang Qingwei Pills, medication, Chuan Lian, wick, lotus seeds, Ophiopogon japonicus diarrhea stomach fire.

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