Two ways of feeding goats

First, grazing and feeding

Grazing is the basic feeding method for wool goats, plush goats, common local breed goats, and most fur goats. In pastoral areas in the northern grasslands of China, goats grazing all year round and only feed forage before and after the snowfall or ewes lambing. Grazing goats should be grouped separately, and do not grazing together with sheep. The size of the herd depends on the size of the pasture and can range from tens to hundreds. When the grazing land is narrow, the group size should be small. Grazing or grazing can also be used. In rural and semi-agricultural areas, seasonal grazing can be carried out by making full use of grazing lands, gaps, and channels.

1. Grazing 1 Grazing Feeding should be reasonable. The population will depend on the topography, yield, and management conditions of the grazing land. In the pastoral area, about 50 male rams are bred, 200-300 rams are bred, 200-250 ewes are adult ewes, 250-300 ewes are raised, and 300-500 mutton sheep are suitable. There are fewer pastoral lands in the rural areas and the sheep tend to be smaller. The grazing and fattening of lambs should be dominated by large groups. 2 Grazing goats' nutrient supply is very volatile because of the seasons. In the winter and spring seasons, the ewes are in the late gestation period and the pre-lactation period. The growth ewes are in a period of rapid growth and the nutrient requirement reaches a peak. At this time, the sheep generally lacks energy protein, phosphorus and vitamin A, and it is most urgent to make up for energy. At this time, the pasture is in the period of decline of yellowish nutrition, coupled with long-range migration of foragers and increase of energy to maintain body temperature, which in turn accelerates the appearance of protein deficiency. 3 Grazing should choose good forage, and do "four stable", that is, the entrance and exit circle stability, grazing stability, stable pasture, stable drinking water feeding. Prevent congestion and cause abortion. 4 to ensure drinking water every day, drinking time to 2 o'clock in the afternoon is appropriate, anti-drinking empty stomach and water. Salt is fed once every 10 days, 10 grams per sheep. Drink salt first after drinking water. To prevent excessive drinking of water after salting first, resulting in miscarriage of "water tops".

2. Supplementary feeding is generally from November until the next year when the grazing is connected. Feeding hay can be eaten directly on the grass rack; if supplemented with legume grass, it should be chopped or processed into grass powder feeding, and it should be properly matched with the green storage to increase the feed intake and utilization of roughage. rate. The supplementary feeding of concentrates should be based on the total amount of feed and the physiological stage of the goat to determine the dosage, and on this basis formulate a scientific feed formulation.

Second, feeding

Most of the goats in China's farming areas are house-fed. The number of animals per household is only 10 or more. In addition to seasonal grazing, they are mainly fed in specialized grids. There are feeding troughs and basins in the circle, feed grass feed 3 to 4 times a day, drinking water l ~ 2 times. Feeding is the basic feeding method for milk goats. Feeding sheep During the growing season, every day, every goat feeds 3~5 kilograms of green grass and fresh leaves, which can meet their needs in addition to dairy goats. In the winter and spring hay season, each sheep can feed hay 1~ 1.5 kg. Rams and pregnant, nursing ewes need to supplement part of the fine material and juicy feed. Concentrate feed volume is 250-500 grams, about 1000 grams of juicy feed.

Solo garlic, also known as single clove garlicmonobulb garlicsingle bulb garlic, or pearl garlic,is a variety of Allium ampeloprasum. The size of the single clove differs from approximately 25 to 50 mm in diameter. It has the flavour of the garlic clove but is somewhat milder and slightly perfumed. It originates in Yunnan province in Southern China. The appearance is somewhat akin to that of a pickling onion, with white skin and often purple stripes. Solo garlic offers the advantage, compared to traditional garlic, of being very quick and easy to peel.The harvest time is February to March every year.  It has a strong  fragrant taste compared with multi(whole) clove regular garlic. It also has a high nutrition content. Its price is higher than regular  multi-clove garlic but those people who buy it simply love it. 

Solo(Single) Black Garlic

Single(Solo)Bulb Black Garlic

Solo Black Garlic,Single Clove Black Garlic,Single Bulb Black Garlic,Fermented Solo Black Garlic

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