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As the weather turned cold, many women’s friends were guilty of cold problems. In this issue, we recommend a three-red warm soup made from red beans, brown sugar and red dates.

Red beans are flat, with spleen and water, heat and dehumidification, swelling and detoxification. Women are particularly suitable for eating red beans because they are rich in iron and have blood-supplementing properties. Brown sugar, warm into the spleen, with Qi and blood, spleen warm stomach, relieve pain, blood circulation role. Jujube is rich in calcium and iron and is a good choice for supplementing iron and blood. These three types of foods work together to increase iron intake and improve the body's ability to withstand cold.


The specific approach is 250 grams of red beans, 15 to 20 red dates, and brown sugar. Wash the red beans, pick out the impurities, and soak for two hours. Wash the dates and go to the core. Add red dates and red beans to the pot, add about 600 ml of water, and pour brown sugar. The fire boiled and kept boiling for about half a minute, and the fragrance spread out to open a small fire. Once you have cooked red beans, you can drink them. What needs to be reminded is that Sanhongtang has a high sugar content and is not suitable for female friends with diabetes to drink. People with abdominal distension and hot body are also not suitable.

Sarms Capsule

1. What is SARMS? Is SARMS a drug?
SARMS is a selectively targeted androgen receptor modulator.
By regulating the receptivity and availability of androgens to muscle cells, which correspond to Steroids. Steroids are exogenous androgens, while SARMS regulates the absorption and use of androgens in muscles. Both exogenous and endogenous androgens can be regulated. So the results of steroid +SARMS can be imagined!
SARMS is not strictly a drug; it is a substance that sits somewhere between a supplement and a drug.
2. What are the characteristics and advantages of SARMS?
SARMS, a selective androgen receptor modulator, is considered as a bridging compound in bodybuilding that produces similar results to steroids, but without the same side effects. All SARMS do not suppress viscera, have no hepatotoxicity, and do not transfer to females.
3. Introduction of SARMS common categories?
SARMS series of quality products :S4, YK-11, GW-501516, LGD-4033, MK2866, MK-677, RAD-140,LGD-3303, SR9009
Mk-2866: MK2866- Selectively performs anabolic activity on certain ARs, which is very helpful for maintaining and increasing lean meat quality and resilience.
Lgd-4033 - A powerful non-steroidal bodybuilding supplement used to enhance muscle mass and reduce body fat
Ostarine (MK-2866) - Selective anabolic activity, well suited for maintenance

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