What to do if the lips crack and peel in winter

What to do if the lips crack and peel in winter In winter, the lips are likely to become dry and peeling. Lip peeling is not only unsightly, but sometimes there are some stings. What is more terrible is how to apply lip balm or can not save the dry lips. What should I do? Let's take a look at how to keep the lips moist through the autumn and winter seasons.

Maintenance Tip 1: Wear lip balm with you. To prevent dry peeling and lip lines on the lips, lip balms must be worn with them, especially lip balms containing vitamin E ingredients. When choosing a lip balm, be careful to choose a lip balm that has a longer moisturizing effect, which is not easy to decolorize, and which is less harmful to the lips.

Maintenance II: use lip membrane. The lip membrane will give the lips more thoughtful care. You can use the essence and soft nourishing cream in a 1:1 ratio and carefully apply it around your lips and lips, or go to the mall to buy a lip membrane.

Maintenance of the third: honey lip care. Honey is a natural beauty material and its natural moisturizing ingredients are very suitable for protecting the lips. If the lips feel dry, apply honey lightly to your lips.

Maintenance Tip Four: Baby Oil + Olive Oil Lip Care. Stir the baby's oil and olive oil well. Apply a cotton swab with a mixture of oil and apply to the lips in a spiral before bathing. Apply a layer after bathing. The lips will remain moist for a few days.

If you want to protect your lips, you have to start from inside and eat more fresh vegetables. The rich vitamin B2 and vitamin A contained in fresh vegetables can quickly supplement the dry lips caused by lack of vitamins. Timely replenish moisture. The main cause of the lack of vitamins in the dry lips is the lack of water in the body. Change bad habits. Many people's lips are peeling, and even bleeding is not really caused by dryness, but caused by prolonged licking and biting of the lips. Therefore, in order to truly protect one's own lips, we must start by changing these bad habits.

Health Porridge

Whole-grain porridge is based on whole-grain porridge, and appropriate ingredients such as jujube, peanut, job's tears and wolfberry are added to make the porridge taste sweet and full of nutrition. Modern nutritionist points out, very rich nutrition is contained in whole grain, besides contain protein, sugar, adipose still contain the trace element such as calcium, iron, zinc, still contain dietary fiber and a variety of other nutrients.
The commonly used ingredients are: red bean, mung bean, soybean, black bean, kidney bean, millet, rice, wheat, soybean, sorghum, corn, peanut, walnut, jujube, pumpkin seed, oats, chrysanthemum, shouwu, Huaishan, Pearl barley, wolfberry and so on.
Practice brief:
1, choose the raw materials of porridge, and soak these raw materials in water for several hours;
2. Put the soaked ingredients together with other rice in an electric pressure cooker and cook for 40 minutes.
3. If other POTS are used, the time can be adjusted freely according to the situation, and the boiling glue shall prevail;
4, can adjust the type and ratio of raw materials according to their own preferences. Let the rice be cooked.

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