Fresh peach preservation technology

(1) Atmosphere storage. Atmospheric storage is commonly referred to as CA storage. It is a closed storage room that uses mechanical refrigeration. It is equipped with air conditioning equipment and refrigeration equipment to maintain a certain low oxygen, low temperature, suitable CO2 and humi

Identification and Prevention of Calcium Deficiency in Rice

Identification and Diagnosis of Calcium Deficiency in Rice Symptoms of calcium deficiency in rice first occur in young roots and on the ground. The root growth was poor, the meristem of the stem and root tip was damaged, the root tip cells rotted and died, and the plants were dwarfed by premat

Control of three major sucking pests in flowers

Aphids, red spiders, and scale insects are the three most common sucking pests that harm flower trees. They endanger many species of flowers and trees, whether it is woody flowers such as Milan, Jasmine, Chinese rose, smiling, plum, or herbal flowers such as chrysanthemum, geranium, calendula

New wheat storage skills

Freshly harvested wheat has the following characteristics: First, it takes a long time to ripen. Second, high temperature capability. Third, easy moisture absorption. Experts suggest that the following storage methods can be used according to the characteristics of the new wheat: First, hot pa

Autumn bee colony feeding points

In the fall, we should make use of nectar sources such as Lespedeza, sunflower, buckwheat and mountain flowers to produce honey.
1, shake your honey. When the flower is full, shake the honey for 3 days. The weather is good. Shake more, and the weather is bad. Shake a little less.

New ways to convert blood into infectious mad cow disease?

According to foreign media reports on August 29, experts have been worried for thousands of years that people have been unknowingly carrying and spreading the mad cow disease virus known as VCJD. The current research shows that the virus may spread through the blood. Very large. The researcher

Crop damage identification

Crop fertilizers identify excessive fertilizers or fertilizers used are not the right way, the crops are prone to fertilizer damage. The main characteristics of crop damage are dehydration, burns and poisoning. Corresponding measures can be taken according to the crop's performance on the

Fish ponds should not be planted

Some mariculturists like to grow some aquatic plants such as oysters and oysters in fish ponds to increase their income per unit area. In fact, this practice is unscientific. Even if the planting of rhizomes and oysters is synchronized with the stocking of small-scale fish species, aquatic pla

Citrus red spider prevention trick

Red spider is one of the three major pests of citrus. It occurs about 20 generations a year in our district. It overlaps for generations and causes great harm. In severe cases, the leaves of the fruit tree retreat green and yellow, and a large number of fall off, hindering the normal growth of

Piglet teeth bite-proof

Piglets are born with two sharp pairs of canine teeth (commonly known as axillary buds). If they are not pruned in time, they often bite the sow's nipples because the suckling pigs compete for the nipples. Light sows who feel painless and refuse to breastfeed will severely affect lactation

100-day pig raising law

The 100-day pig-raising law refers to the selection of healthy piglets with a body weight of 20 kg or more, giving them high-quality, full-price balanced feed, a good environment, combined with a scientific feeding management method, and achieving an average daily weight gain of 750 g. The pur

Goat Injected Spider Gene Goat Milk "Bulletproof"

About 150 goats with spider genes injected into their body are being transported to a local air force base, which is approximately 60 acres in size. The 150 goats were the latest test subjects of Montreal Nexia Bios. The company said that eventually 1,500 goats with genetic alterations were tr