Spring asparagus cultivation techniques

First, asparagus seedlings

Asparagus seedling transplanting is the most commonly used method, which can increase the seedling rate, ensure the quality of seedlings, shorten the planting period, and increase the utilization rate of land. Seedbed soil should be selected loose and fer

Corn Lodging Remedies

In general, the types of plants that are most likely to be planted, plots with excessively high planting density, plots with prolonged emergence of seedlings, plots with excessive P- and P-level of nitrogen, plots with stalk rot and maize borer damage, and low plots In the land of water, c

Jujube tree planting technology

First, seedling cultivation

The use of planting land for seeding seedlings, changing seedlings at the nursery, and cultivating land for the construction site avoid the disadvantages of a large number of root cuts during the seedling raising process, severe water loss during transpo

Apple standardized planting technology

1 site conditions selection

1.1 Soil conditions

The soil texture is preferably sandy loam, with a pH of 5.5 to 7.5, but slightly acidic at 6.0 to 6.5. The organic matter content is preferably not less than 10 g/kg, the salt content is not more than 1 g/kg, and the groundwat

What to eat after liver protection

Out of appearance, it is inevitable to have entertainment. If you are drunk, try a cup of pear juice, which can effectively alleviate the fatigue caused by drunkenness and protect the liver.

Precision cultivation of ginger

Ginger is a high-yielding type of economic crop. It also has higher requirements in planting management than other crops. Researcher Guo Zhiqing of the College of Horticulture, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University has provided a set of ideas for the cultivation and management of g