Summer corn topdressing is stressful

In combination with fertilization, summer maize topdressing must pay attention to the combination of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and micro-fertilizer. According to the target yield, soil testing and formula fertilization. The field of 600 kg per mu, medium fertility and no fertilizer i

Herbal flower flower seaweed cultivation techniques

1 flower sea herb selection

(1) One-two-year-old herbaceous flowers: Under local cultivation conditions, the herbaceous ornamental plants that can complete the whole growth and development process after sowing are called annual flowers; the herbaceous ornamental pla

Pea planting time and planting points

First, the cultivation time of peas

Pea is a four-season vegetable, so it can be planted all year round. During planting, the sowing date can be flexibly controlled according to the mouthwash and season, and the suitable sowing date can be determined according to the time requireme

How to grow leaf beets? Soilless cultivation techniques of leaf beet

Leaf beet can also be called thick-skinned vegetables, leeks, sea cabbage, and kumquat. Because it is widely cultivated in rural areas, it is a popular vegetable. The vegetables have the functions of clearing away heat and detoxifying, stopping siltation, removing head

New findings help treat squamous cell carcinoma

New findings help treat squamous cell carcinoma

July 2nd, 2018 Source: Xinhua News Agency Author: Chen Shanhui

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6 kinds of health effects of lotus seed soaked in water

There are many uses for lotus seeds and there are many places for sale. Some people like lotus seeds very much and they often buy them. In fact, lotus seeds have a lot of good health effects, oh, eat in the summer is very good for the body, the following and Xiao B

Hainan buried sewage treatment equipment

Installation steps and requirements for buried sewage treatment equipment
1. According to the installation drawing and the basic drawing, prepare the foundation according to the size of the installation plan, and make the concrete floor. The basic

Eggplant ZUI should not be peeled to eat, you know?

[ Agricultural Products Network] Eggplant is especially suitable for summer consumption, and the general population can be eaten. However, it is cold and cold. Therefore, people with indigest

How much drying time and temperature of daylily

How much drying time and temperature of daylily

Unconsciously, I went to the season of daylily processing. Many customers are doing it for the first time. It is not very clear what equipment is needed for the processing of daylily. Here is