Carrot sowing time and planting and cultivation techniques [Figure]

Carrots are vegetables that we often eat in our daily life. They are rich in vitamins. They can be used to enhance body resistance, beauty and eyesight. So everyone knows how to grow carrots scientifically? Let's take a look at the cultivation methods of carrots!

How to grow carrots

How to grow carrots

1. Land preparation and ridge

After the harvest, the land should be turned over in time, and the depth should be 23-30 cm. Combined with the land preparation, 3000-5000 kg of decomposed organic fertilizer, 30 kg of diammonium phosphate and 15 kg of potassium sulfate were applied per mu. Organic fertilizer and soil particles must be broken. Remove the sundries, shovel the floor to ridge by 50 cm, the ridge width is 27 cm, the height is 10-15 cm, and the ridge top is blunt round.

If cultivating with alfalfa, it can be made into sorghum with a width of 60-80 cm and a height of 10-15 cm. The ridge between the ridges is 20 cm wide, that is, sorghum deep ditch cultivation. We advocate the use of ridge planting. The cultivation technique in this section is based on the example of ridge planting in autumn.

2, suitable sowing

The suitable sowing period for autumn cultivation in the Central Plains is from mid-July to mid-August, and it is appropriate to plant before the autumn. At the time of sowing, the ditch is double-rowed at a distance of 10 cm, and the ditch is about 1 cm deep. Water is first poured, then sprinkled, covered with soil, covered with wheat straw, hay, etc. When the buds are white, remove the cover (preferably in the evening), then spray the dough with a sprayer, spray once a day, and spray for 3-4 days.

Carrot scientific planting technology

1, choose the variety

The selection of spring carrot varieties is one of the keys to high yield. Varieties of early maturity, high yield, late pumping, cold tolerance and drought tolerance should be selected. The varieties introduced by Minfa Agriculture can be cultivated in spring, among which Japan Ganghong Qishenshen, Hanhong Liushen and Xinhong are the preferred varieties.

2, soil preparation and fertilization

Land preparation has a greater impact on the yield and quality of carrots, requiring loose soil conditions and sufficient fertility. However, the spring carrot cultivation method requires higher conditions for the plot, so it is more suitable to choose deep, fertile, rich humus and well-drained loam or sandy loam.

After selecting the plot, carry out deep tillage and fine soil preparation, the depth is about 30 cm. After deep tillage, rotary tillage can be carried out. It is not possible to carry out rotary tillage only because the rotary tillage layer is too shallow, which is not good for carrot growth. When deep ploughing, use 3 kg/mu of phorate for soil treatment, and apply 3,000 kg of fertilizer per mu, 50 kg of phosphate fertilizer and 50 kg of compound fertilizer. Farmyard fertilizer should be fully cooked.

3, sowing

The greenhouse cultivation can be carried out by sorghum cultivation, and it is made into sorghum 1-2 meters wide and 10 cm high. The mulching film cultivation is carried out by single-row and double-row cultivation. The ridges are ploughed 7 to 10 days before sowing, and the ridges are 15 cm high and 50 cm wide, which are cultivated in two rows and coated after sowing. The spring carrots are seeded before planting, and the hair on the surface of the seeds is first removed.

Live and germination can be planted. When germination, it is then immersed in warm water of 40 °C for 2 hours. After the water is controlled, it is wrapped with gauze to ensure that the certain humidity is germinated for 5-7 days under the condition of 20-25 °C. When 60% of the seeds are white, they can be sown. At the time of sowing, the hole was drilled with a diameter of 3 cm on the membrane surface, and the hole was drilled on-demand. The row spacing was 16 cm square, 5 lines per membrane surface, 20,000 square meters of 667 square meters, 1 cm deep, and 5-8 seeds per hole. Granules, then covered with soil.

How to grow carrots

Carrot growth conditions

1. Soil conditions: Carrots require soil with certain morphological texture and nutrient content. It is necessary to have irrigation conditions, convenient land, pay attention to rainy land, corn, flax used herbicide plots, and raw land is not easy to grow carrots.

2, temperature conditions: when the soil temperature is stable above 8 degrees (May 10-15) can be sown, starting at 15 degrees or more, the most suitable temperature for growth is 23-25 ​​degrees during the day, 12-15 degrees at night . The large temperature difference determines the quality of the carrot and the sugar content increases.

3. Moisture conditions: When the soil water content is above 20%, the carrot can expand and absorb water with strong absorption capacity, preparing for germination, but in actual sowing to ensure the soil water content is 60-70%. The group, the smashing of the group is more appropriate.

4, fertilizer conditions: carrots need fertilizer elements mainly have a large number of elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), medium elements (calcium, silicon), trace elements (boron, zinc, molybdenum, magnesium, manganese, iron). The requirements for carrots for fertilizers are comprehensive and sufficient. The majority of farmers must understand the scientific fertilization of soil fertility in order to achieve a good harvest.

How to grow carrots

Carrot diseases control carrot diseases mainly include black rot, sclerotinia, and soft rot. Black rot is a fungal disease. It is mainly caused by the fleshy roots, forming irregular or round, slightly concave lesions, which are black moldy. Later, the fleshy roots turned black and rot.

It is advisable to remove the fleshy roots of the wounds before storage and store them in the sun. Avoid damage during harvesting and shipping. Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is mainly harmful to fleshy roots, and the damaged part is softened and rotted. The surface is white cotton flocculent mycelium and black rat fecal sclerotia. The soft rot is harmful to the fleshy root, the damaged part is softened and rotted, the juice overflows, and there is stench (see Chinese cabbage).

Through the above content, I believe that everyone has a certain understanding of the cultivation technology of carrots. Carrots are rich in nutrients, suitable for both men and women, and carrots are also particularly good for growing vegetables, and the yield is high. Even many people will grow some carrots at home.

This article URL: carrot planting time and planting cultivation techniques [Figure]

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