Feeding and Management Techniques of Landrace Pigs

In the production of pig farms, the work of the delivery house is in a critical position. Because the quality of sow rearing and management in the farrowing house directly affects the production of the breeding house. If there are many phenomena such as sow's meteoritis, weight loss and over-fertilization, the effect of breeding will be significantly reduced, and the rearing and management of the pigs will be poor. Directly affecting the production of nursery houses or even rearing houses results in a low rate of pig rearing, a slow growth rate, and low feed remuneration. Therefore, how to do a good job in the delivery house, especially the management of sows and sow pigs is the key to determining the quality of a farm. Landrace is no exception. The breeding and management techniques of the Landing Landrace Pigs are described as follows:

Landrace sow rearing management

1. At about 10 o'clock in the morning before delivery, the sow is injected with a long needle of No. 16 to the sow. The injection can be injected intramuscularly or at the back of the sea to control the sow's parturition and to give birth during the day. To avoid giving birth at night. The advantage of this is that on the one hand, it is convenient for consignments, which reduces the chance of the pig being crushed to death; on the other hand, it is beneficial to the operation of temporary immunization and improves the effectiveness of disease prevention.

2. Check and repair the sow drinker in time. 80% of the sow's milk is water. If the drinking water is not enough, the sows may suffer from loss of appetite, constipation, poor milk quality, and affect the growth of the pig. Normal sow drinkers should be controlled at 1.5 to 2.0 liters of water to meet their needs.

3. Before delivery, often wipe and massage the sow's breasts with warm water, which is conducive to the secretion of milk; appropriate disinfection of the sow's vulva in order to reduce the incidence of newborn pigs. When the first pig is delivered, a oxytocin is injected to facilitate the normal production of the pig and discharge of the placenta. After delivery, the uterus should be selected according to the situation to reduce the incidence of metritis.

4. Strengthen the delivery of the sow to the confinement. Under normal circumstances, the sub-process sows is 2.0 hour to 2.5 hours, an average interval of 10 pigs each leader to 15 minutes, so you can let the natural childbirth. If the interval more than 30 minutes, pay attention to whether dystocia and make Cow prepare, if time is too long, it may cause piglets prenatal death.

The day of farrowing stop feeding, the next feeding 0.5 kg to 1.0 kg per day later gradually increased to 4.0 kg to 5.0 kg. According to the sow's body condition and the number of tapes, the feed should be appropriately increased or decreased until weaning. In summer, hot weather, especially in southern China, long duration of hot and humid weather, poor appetite sow, how to increase the intake of sows and let it get the energy required, is a key issue. Energy can be increased by adding 2% to 3% vegetable oil to the sow feeding material. Feeding 3 times to 4 times a day is recommended. Water is added to the feeding tank every time the material is fed to improve palatability. In order to prevent the sows from eating moldy feed, the feed tank must be cleaned before each feed.

6. Suckling sows fed some green and juicy feed can increase their appetite and milk secretion, especially in the first week after delivery. In the common green feed, there are too many crude fiber and less water; the water of lotus is too much and it is easy to bring bacteria. Only sweet potato vines have a certain amount of juice, good palatability, and sows prefer to eat. Therefore, some sweet potatoes can be planted in open areas of pig farms or in open spaces between pig houses. This not only greenens the environment, but also provides a certain amount of green feed for sows. Before feeding green feed, rinse it with clean water and let it dry so as not to cause shedding of sows.

7. Because sows and sows are in the same room, and the sow's suitable ambient temperature is 15°C~18°C. The pigs, especially the newly born ones, require external temperature as high as 37°C~38°C. Therefore, summer The cooling method should be appropriate. Spraying water cooling is beneficial to sows, but due to dampness in the pens, it is easy to cause the pigs to squat. At present, the method used more often is sow neck drip or fan on the wall, but when the temperature is particularly high and there is no wind, the effect is not ideal. Some pig farms with good conditions now use a water curtain cooling system to cool down. This method is ideal, but it is relatively costly and is only suitable for new farms. It is very difficult for old pig houses to be transformed.

Feeding Management of Landrace Pigs

1. When a sow gives birth, special people must be present, especially in the winter. When the pig is born, it is necessary to wipe off the mucus from the body and put it into the incubator. After the sow is released, it is released and released to ensure that it is ready to eat. milk. Do zero immunizations before the pigs eat colostrum, otherwise the effect will be reduced. The temperature in the incubator varies according to the growth of the pigs. At birth, it stays at 37°C~38°C in the winter and then gradually decreases. Although the summer temperature is high, the newly born pigs also need to keep warm, but they do not need to be added. Insulation lamp, put a plank or sack in the incubator. When the sow is giving birth, the presence of a special person can also reduce the chance that the newborn pig is crushed by the sow.

2. According to the regulations, within 24 hours of the birth of the pig, cut the umbilical cord, cut the tail, cut the teeth, play the ear number, make up the iron needle and other work. In carrying out these tasks, attention was paid to the disinfection of the tail shears and ear clamps used, because according to clinical observations, it was found that the disinfection of the tools was incomplete and the transfer of the pigs to the nursery was prone to streptococcal disease. According to the immunization procedure, the prescribed vaccine is injected before transferring the nursery to improve the disease resistance of the pig and prevent the occurrence of disease.

3. The start time of the traditional subplots was 7 days, but it was found that the pigs that began to teach at 3 days to 4 days had increased feed intake and strong adaptability after weaning. The method of teaching in advance is different from the traditional method. That is, in the incubator, a small amount of creepage material is sprinkled from the 3rd to the 4th day of the pig, causing the attention of the pig and stimulating its sense of smell, from the 7th day of age. Start feeding in the feeding trough about day and night, feeding less meals each day, and adding as soon as you finish eating. It has been observed that when the sub-pig trough is empty for more than one hour, it will be eaten fiercely when it is re-feeding. Such a cycle, hunger meal full meal, it is easy to cause sub-pig weight loss. Therefore, the feeding time of feeding material cannot be too long, and it is necessary to add material when empty material is found.

4. The key to nursing of the pigs is the period of time before the 10th day of age. The proper insulation measures and good care can reduce the occurrence of yellow and white piglets. After the occurrence of yellow peony, if observed and observed in time, generally 1 day to 2 days can be cured, will not cause the pig squat or even dehydration.

5. In the case of normal feed nutrient levels, the weight of the 21-day-old pig can reach 5.5 kg to 6.0 kg. According to different circumstances, the pig can be weaned at this time or after a few days. According to the traditional method, the weaned pigs stayed in the nursery for 3 days to 7 days before they were transferred to the nursery. They thought that this would improve the adaptability of the pigs. However, after comparison tests, the weaned pigs were transferred to the nursery on the same day. Putting together with other pigs can, on the one hand, reduce the chance of sow contagious diseases to the pigs; on the other hand, the pigs only grow slowly or even lose weight in the first week after the transfer, but after the second week they are weaned. After a period of time in the farrowing period, the pigs that have been transferred to nursery homes for a period of time will have higher feed costs and grow faster. They can be slaughtered 2 days to 3 days in advance. It can be seen that when weaning stress, transfer stress, and parallel stress occur at the same time, it has less effect on the growth of the pigs than when they are carried out separately. Therefore, it is best to transfer nursery houses on the day of weaning. In short, the good work done in the delivery house can guarantee normal estrus and mating of the weaned sow so that its reproductive performance can be fully exerted and the economic benefits of pig raising can be improved.

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