Medicinal medicinal notes

Medicinal notes

(1) In the northwest region, roots of various plants of the genus Heraeleum from the same family are used for their own purposes.

(2) Defecation function spreads cold, cold wind pain, used for cold, cold, both headache, body pain, often with wind, white peony and other drugs with the use. The effect of rheumatism is also very significant. It is commonly used as a product for removing wind and dampness. However, it is generally considered that this product is suitable for rheumatism and pain in the body and half of the body. If the body is full of pain, it can be equipped with windproof and independent living. For headaches, more applications such as Chuanxiong and Asarum.

(3) As a sweating anti-epidermal drug, it should be closely combined with the efficacy of its Hurricane analgesia, that is, when it is used clinically for cold-wind syndrome, it must be combined with a headache or joint pain embolism before it is considered for use. As for the use of rheumatism, whether or not symptoms are applicable. According to clinical practice experience in recent years, this product is very effective in antipyretic, can be used in conjunction with antipyretic drugs such as dandelion, Banlangen and other products to treat wind-heat symptoms, and generally no recurrence of fever after heat retreat. However, the smell of this product is strong, excessive use, prone to cause vomiting, so when using the patient must pay attention to the situation of the patient's stomach, to grasp the appropriate dose.




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