Pregnant women have a high risk of blood sugar

For gestational diabetes, we believe everyone must have heard of it, gestational diabetes not only makes the fetus huge, fetal malformations, and even the emergence of stillbirth, but also because of lack of timely treatment to endanger the safety of pregnant women, so that the majority of pregnant women frightened. While high blood sugar in pregnant women is a risk factor for gestational diabetes, there is no need to worry too much, because for pregnant women with hyperglycemia, gestational diabetes can be prevented through effective control of diet, exercise, and drugs, especially in the diet. More attention should be paid to avoid increasing the risk of gestational diabetes due to accidentally eating foods with high sugar content.


Reasons for high blood sugar in pregnant women

One reason: Hormones block the secretion of insulin. The mother's placenta during pregnancy will secrete some of the hormones that can fight insulin production, leading to reduced insulin secretion, it is easy to cause high blood glucose during pregnancy and harm the baby's health.

The second reason is that the diet structure is irrational and the disease enters the mouth. An unreasonable diet can also lead to high blood sugar levels in expectant mothers during pregnancy. High intake of high-sugar and high-fat foods during pregnancy, food stimulation stimulates the secretion of insulin. When the function of the islets can not withstand this pressure, insulin secretion can not meet the needs of the mother's body, it will cause pregnant mothers high blood sugar during pregnancy.

Reason 3: Overweight. Overweight mothers will have a severely reduced insulin hypoglycemic activity, so even the same diet will require more insulin than normal mothers in order to maintain the balance of blood glucose throughout the body. In pregnancy, the placenta will secrete hormones to resist the secretion of insulin and interact with each other, leading to a significant increase in the risk of obese mothers with diabetes during pregnancy.

Reason four: There is a family history of diabetes. The expectant mother who has a family history of diabetes should pay more attention to it. A mother with a family genetic history may carry the gene that induces diabetes. This way, expectant mothers should pay more attention to the daily eating habits. Little attention will be paid to the fact that the underlying genes will stimulate expectant mothers to have high blood sugar during pregnancy and may also be converted. For overt diabetes.

Five reasons: gestational age. If the expectant mother is over the age of 30, the function of the body will be reduced. This will cause the mother to have no way to resist through her own immunity in the event of a sudden illness. Mother is very likely to have complications. Expectant mothers should pay special attention if they have high blood glucose during pregnancy and do blood glucose tests in time.

The boundary between high blood sugar and diabetes is not very big. If the blood sugar is too high, treatment and adjustment may not develop to diabetes in time, which will bring great harm to the mother.

Possibility 1: If the blood glucose is out of control, expectant mothers have found that the blood sugar level is high, but they have not conducted reasonable dietary control. The resulting result can only be the conversion of the disease, causing blood sugar to run out of control, and then turn into diabetes.

Possibility Two: Endocrine Disorders If expectant mothers are hyperglycemia caused by endocrine disorders, they should take more precautions and promptly diagnose the conditions that cause mothers' endocrine disorders. Endocrine disorders that are not treated in time can also translate into diabetes.

How to do high blood sugar in pregnant women

1, the first time after the detection of excessive blood glucose to diet under the advice of a doctor, many mothers to late rapid weight gain, it is easy to cause obesity during pregnancy, obesity during pregnancy will naturally lead to excessive blood sugar, ask the doctor to help arrange a reasonable pregnancy Recipe, diet strictly follows the diet of pregnancy.

2, take the principle of eating less and more meals, dietary treatment principles are: pregnant women do not lose weight; according to body type to adjust the proportion of food structure and calories; eat less meals, it is best divided into 3 big meals, 3 small meals; eat less high sugar fruit; Fruits can not exceed 200 grams per day. To eat between meals, apples with high sugar content include apples, strawberries, bananas, watermelons, cherries, cantaloupes, melons, etc. In short, do not touch any sweet fruits. After the blood glucose level is stable, consider whether to continue eating; 400-500 grams of vegetables are eaten every day, including not less than 50% of colored vegetables.

3, in addition to fruits, other sweets have to temporarily stop, most women love to eat sweets, chocolate, wafer, biscuits and other small snacks are also very like pregnant mothers, but for their own health and baby Your health should control your own desires. If expectant mothers feel hungry and want something to eat, they can choose sugar-free cookies or sugar-free soy milk.

4, in addition to regular review, until the indicators fall smoothly after production can be at ease.

What is good for pregnant women in early pregnancy?

Early pregnancy is the beginning of pregnancy until the end of 12 weeks. It is mainly the period when the growth and development of various organs of the fetus are gradually formed. It is a sensitive period, pregnant women will vomiting, anorexia reactions. Therefore, it is best for pregnant women to eat light and delicious meals. Here to talk about early pregnancy diet nutrition and precautions.

1, daily supplement of folic acid, which is necessary for the development of the fetal nervous system. It is best to eat fresh, dark green leafy vegetables.

2, to ensure the supply of high-quality protein. Can eat more eggs, lean meats, milk, beans and other high nutritional value foods.

3, to ensure the supply of inorganic salts and vitamins. Carrots, green vegetables, fresh fruits, and animal livers are the best sources of vitamins.

What is good for pregnant women during the second trimester?

The second trimester refers to 13 weeks to 28 weeks after pregnancy. This stage is the period when the fetus grows rapidly, and the various tissues and organs are continuously differentiated and improve their own work. The second trimester is the most important stage in the gestation process. At this point not only need to improve the nutritional quality, but also need a comprehensive intake of various nutrients. Here to talk about the mid-term diet nutrition and precautions.

1, a reasonable meal. Daily replenishment of quantitative cereal staples, animal lean meats, fruits, vegetables, milk products, beans and their products.

2, should be sufficient intake of calcium. Milk, seafood, soy products, dark green leafy vegetables are all very good sources of calcium.

3, should eat enough zinc and iodine. Oysters, meat, eggs, animal liver, seafood, kelp, seaweed, etc. are all foods of zinc and iodine.

4: Also pay attention to supplement iron. Porcine blood, liver, rapeseed, and spinach are all rich in heme and iron-rich foods.

What is good for pregnant women in the third trimester?

Late pregnancy refers to 28 weeks to 40 weeks after pregnancy. At this point the fetus grows to the highest peak, and the nutrients needed by pregnant women are the most. You can intensify the intake of nutrients according to your situation and ensure the supply of nutrients.

1, usually should eat more protein, minerals and vitamin-rich foods such as milk, eggs, animal liver, fish, soy products, fresh vegetables and fruits.

2, eat more iron, vitamin b12 and folic acid rich foods, can prevent pregnant women from their own anemia, but also to prevent the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia after birth, such as animal blood, liver, fungus, vegetables and so on.

3, there is to eat less energy-rich foods, such as chocolate, butter, etc., to avoid pregnant women are too obese, the fetus is too large, leading to dystocia.

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