Rehmanniae dietary nutrition

Dietary nutrition

Nutrition Overview

The product is a dry root of Radix Scrophulariaceae. In the autumn, excavation was carried out to remove the roots and roots of fibrous roots, and the roots were freshly grown. The roots were baked and melted until they reached 80% dryness, and they were blackened inside and kneaded into lumps for rehmanniae. Radix Rehmanniae dry roots are irregularly lumps or oblong, with an intermediate swelling of 6 to 12 cm in length, and a diameter of 3 to 6 cm, and some are small and long and distorted. The surface is brownish black or grayish black, extremely crumpled, with irregular cross-curvature. Weight, soft and tough, not easy to break, brown or dark brown cross section, shiny, sticky, odorless, sweet taste. Blocks, weights, cross-cut blacks are preferred.

This product does not make any mistakes in the use of bronze utensils.

Rehmannia supplement information:

According to the different processing methods, it can be divided into Rehmannia glutinosa, Rehmannia glutinosa, and Reedland charcoal. After concocting, store it in a dry container and store it in a cool and dry place.

Rehmannia is suitable for people:

Spleen deficiency diarrhea stomach cold food less, chest and phlegm are careful.

Rehmannia Herbal Effects:

Sweet, bitter, slightly cold. Return to the heart, liver and kidney. The quality of run down.

1. Heat and cooling blood. The taste is bitter, cold and into the blood, can clear the heat of blood and cooling blood. For the fever of high fever, thirst, red tongue, prescription, such as Qingying Tang. In addition, the product has the effect of hemostasis through cooling blood and can be used for various hemorrhagic fevers.

2. Yang Yin Sheng Jin. The quality of the multi-fluid solution can nourish yin, sweet and cold energy, and has the effect of nourishing yin and moistening dryness. For late-warming disease, evil heat injury Jin. In addition, take the product Ziyin heat effect, often used to treat dry mouth irritability, thirst, thirst, dizziness, prescriptions such as Liu Wei Di Huang Wan. Diabetes is a hot Shengjinjin can also be treated with habitat.

The raw land is sweet and cold, and it is good at cooling and diarrhea. All those who have hot blood and various organs and yin deficiency are common products.

Rehmannia food phase g:

The product and the radish light blue, white, white and gray.

Rehmannia practice guidelines:

In the late period of the fever, the residual heat is not exhausted, the body fluids are bad, the dry mouth is dry, and the night heat is cool, and it can be combined with Artemisia annua, Poria, Anemarrhena, etc.; Skin, white pheasant, rhino horn (buffalo horn generation) compatibility; where the lack of heart yin, heart fire hemiplegia, convulsions, upset people who can not sleep with the lotus, cinnabar and other matching.

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