Suitable environmental conditions for spinach

Spinach is one of the strongest cold-tolerant vegetables in green leafy vegetables. In the winter, the minimum temperature of spinach is about 10 °C, and the open field can completely overwinter. Some varieties with strong cold resistance can withstand short-term low temperatures of 30-40 ° C when there are 4-6 true leaves. Spinach has wide adaptability, the suitable temperature for growth is 15-30 °C, the optimum temperature is 15-20 °C, and the seeds can germinate at 4 °C. The soil in early spring can be sown when the soil is thawed. The suitable temperature for germination is 15-20 °C. When the temperature is higher, the germination rate is lowered.

The spinach flowering of spinach is affected by the length of sunshine, and the convulsion is accelerated as the temperature increases and the number of sunshine hours increases. Spinach is not tolerant to drought, and it grows vigorously in a humid environment. The quality is good. When the soil is dry, the growth is slow, the leaves are aging, and the quality is poor.

The requirement of spinach for soil is that it can be cultivated except for acidic soil, and other soils can be cultivated, especially in moist and humus-rich sandy loam soil. Spinach is a fast-growing vegetable with high planting density and high yield, so there needs to be sufficient quick-acting nutrient supply during the growing season.

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