Summer diet conditioning in three phases

As summer approaches, a reasonable diet is necessary. People in the hot living environment, body temperature regulation, water, salt metabolism and circulation, digestion, nerve, endocrine and urinary system have significant changes. These changes involve increased metabolism and increased nutrient consumption in the body. Therefore, summer dietary conditioning is more important than any season.

First, early summer

This is the spring and summer conversion season, and it is also the most favorable temperature for the human body to the ambient temperature. The protein intake should increase by 10%-15% on a normal basis. Pay attention to the body supplements such as lysine and protein supplements, and eat more fish. , meat, eggs, milk and legumes. The protein in these foods is good and good.

In early summer, people are often reluctant to eat high-calorie and high-fat foods and prefer a light diet, which is contrary to the concept of reasonable diet. Admittedly, the inconsistency of individual tastes is also a factor. It should be noted that in the light diet, we must pay attention to the combination of nutrients, and consume more foods rich in protein, vitamins and trace elements in early summer, and consume the physical energy of hot and cool summers. Provide enough foundation. Therefore, foods containing protein, vitamins and trace elements should be selected. In cooking, we must also refurbish and increase appetite.

Second, midsummer

If the temperature is too high, the human body is prone to excessive sweating. If the body is deficient in water, a large amount of calcium and potassium may also be lost, and calcium deficiency can cause serious dehydration in the human body. Therefore, it is crucial to add water and inorganic salts. Moisture supplementation is best done in small quantities several times, so that the body's perspiration can be slowed down and body water evaporation reduced.

Eat foods that contain calcium and potassium as much as possible, such as vegetables, bean products, kelp, and egg meat. Because sweat contains calcium, potassium and other organic components, if not timely supplement, can cause the body's water and salt metabolism and acid-base balance disorders, but also easy to induce heat stroke.

Therefore, midsummer should eat more foods that have high heat and moisture, and high levels of inorganic salts. Should also eat some foods with light and nourishing yin effect, such as duck, goose, eel, lean pork, beans, edible oysters (Jingru, Ping Ru, Tremella, etc.), glutinous rice, lily and so on.

In addition, you can also eat hot soup porridge, such as mung bean porridge, lotus leaf porridge, etc., have a certain degree of spasm Sheng Jin effect.

Third, the summer

The body sweats a lot and loses more salt. It should eat more foods rich in water and salt. Such as watermelon, cucumber, tomato, animal liver, shrimp, duck soup, pork soup, beans and their products, etc., can also drink more tea and cold juice, increase body water, salt.

In summer, it is rainy, hot and humid, and it is also conducive to the growth and reproduction of bacteria. Food is perishable and metamorphic. It is a season in which gastrointestinal diseases occur frequently. In a reasonable diet, it is necessary to pay attention to food hygiene and safety while cooling.

Watermelon is the best fruit to supplement the body's water loss during the midsummer period, and it contains abundant nutrients such as sucrose, glucose, fructose, and vitamin C. The bitter gourd has Qingreoqingre, eyesight detoxification, use bitter gourd to make cold dishes, and it is also a good vegetable for clearing heat and relieving heat. Cucumber has high water content and is the vegetable with the highest moisture content. It contains very delicate cellulose. It promotes the excretion of corrupt food in the intestine and reduces cholesterol. Garlic and vinegar are added when it is served in the cold, which is not only delicious but also bactericidal and can prevent intestinal diseases.

Tomatoes also have the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, cooling blood and flattening the liver and quenching heat and quenching the thirst. Li Shizhen highly praised mung bean as "a good country for good." In the hot summer, drink a bowl of mung bean soup, refreshed, thirsty, hot summer, full of heat, feel relaxed and happy, this is the mung bean has heat and heat, quench thirst and diuretic effect.

Summer diet, in addition to focus on heat and heat, but also pay attention not to damage the spleen and lung. "Health theory," said: "Summer heat, Yishiweihan cold, not hot too." Summer must eat less Hot foods such as lamb and dog meat. Modern medicine believes that the hot summer stimuli make the nervous center nervous, and the level of endocrine gland activity also changes, causing reduced digestive abilities, loss of appetite and diet. Therefore, how to eat well and eat properly in the summer is very important for health care.

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