The benefits of eating more beef

Once again, beef is revered as the most important part of the growing muscle diet plan. When Arnold Schwarzenegger and Frank Columbus heard this so-called “latest progress”, they would feel overwhelmed, because they had started to use steak as their main meal since the 1970s—far before science experiments. Confirmation of the following experience: At least one or two beef meals in the diet five times a day.


1. beef rich in sarcosine

The sarcosine content of beef is higher than that of any other food, which makes it particularly effective for muscle growth and strength enhancement. In the first few seconds of training, sarcosine is a source of muscle fuel that can effectively replenish adenosine triphosphate so that training can last longer.

2. Beef with vitamin B6

The greater the demand for protein, the more vitamin B6 should be added to the diet. Beef contains enough vitamin B6 to help you boost immunity, promote protein metabolism and synthesis, and help your body recover after stress training.

3. Beef with carnitine

The contents of carnitine and sarcosine in chicken and fish are very low, but the content of beef is high. Carnitine is mainly used to support the metabolism of fat and produce branched-chain amino acids. It is an amino acid that plays an important role in body building muscle growth.

4. Beef contains potassium and protein

Potassium is a mineral that is relatively lacking in the diet of most athletes. Low levels of potassium inhibit protein synthesis and the production of growth hormone, which affects muscle growth. Beef is rich in protein: 4 ounces of lean loin can produce 22 grams of first-class protein.

5. Beef is a low-fat source of linoleic acid

Beef has a low fat content, but it is rich in linoleic acid, and these potential antioxidants are effective against tissue damage caused by weightlifting and other sports. In addition, linoleic acid can also act as an antioxidant to keep muscle mass.

6. Beef contains zinc and magnesium

Zinc is another antioxidant that helps to synthesize proteins and promote muscle growth. Zinc works with glutamate and vitamin B6 to boost the immune system. Magnesium supports protein synthesis, increases muscle strength, and more importantly, improves the efficiency of insulin synthesis and metabolism.

7. Beef iron

Iron is a necessary mineral for hematopoiesis. In contrast to the poor iron content in chickens, fish and turkeys, beef is rich in iron.

8. Beef with alanine

The role of alanine is to produce sugar from the dietary protein. If you don't have enough carbohydrates, alanine can supply the muscles with the energy needed to ease the deficiencies and allow you to continue training. The biggest benefit of this amino acid is that it can liberate muscles from the burden of supplying energy.

9. Beef with Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is essential for the production of cells, and the role of red blood cells is to bring oxygen to muscle tissue. Vitamin B12 can promote the metabolism of branched-chain amino acids, and thus provide the body with the energy needed for high-intensity training.

10.Diversification of beef consumption

If it is eaten day after day or even months, the chicken breast becomes annoying. Beef is different, and the hind legs, flanks, upper loins and thin slices of meat are all different in taste and texture, and it is indeed not the same as the boring chicken breast.

Digestive System

For the treatment of diseases of the digestive system:

Many symptoms can signal problems with the GI tract, including: abdominal pain, blood in the stool, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, incontinence, nausea and vomiting and difficulty swallowing, according to the NIH.

Among the most widely known diseases of the digestive system is colon cancer. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 51,783 Americans died from colon cancer in 2011 (the most recent year for available data). Excluding skin cancers, colon and rectal cancer, or colorectal cancer, is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in the United States, according to the American Cancer Society.

Polyp growth and irregular cells, which may or may not be cancerous, are the most common development paths for colorectal cancers (also referred to as CRC), and can be detected during a routine colonoscopy, according to Dr. John Marks, a gastroenterologist affiliated with the Main Line Health health care system.

[The best news is that, if caught early enough, they can also be removed during the colonoscopy - eliminating the possibility that they grow further and become cancer," Marks said.

For those patients whose cancer has already spread, there are various minimally invasive surgical options that have extremely good prognoses. It is recommended that asymptomatic patients without a family history begin getting tested regularly between the ages 45 and 50, according to Marks. [Symptoms which may suggest that you need a colonoscopy at an earlier age include rectal bleeding and stool/bowel habit changes which last for more than a few days."

While CRC gets a great deal of attention, many diseases and conditions of the digestive system - including irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis, GERD (acid reflux) and Crohn`s disease - can be chronic and are difficult to diagnose and treat, according to Dr. Larry Good, a gastroenterologist affiliated with South Nassau Communities Hospital. [With many of these diseases, blood work and colonoscopies all looks normal, so there is an absence of red flags."

Many of the diseases of the digestive system are tied to the foods we eat, and a number of sufferers can reduce their symptoms by restricting their diets, Good said. [Of course no one wants to hear that they can`t eat certain foods, but many times, eliminating acidic things from the diet, such as tomatoes, onions, and red wine, can have an impact," Good said.

There are a number of tests to detect digestive tract ailments. A colonoscopy is the examination of the inside of the colon using a long, flexible, fiber-optic viewing instrument called a colonoscope, according the American Gastroenterological Association. Other testing procedures include upper GI endoscopy, capsule endoscopy, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and endoscopic ultrasound.

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