The top 10 jobs in the world will be replaced by robots, including pharmacists...

Release date: 2015-09-28

1. Financial transaction recorder. Nasdaq said that robots can replace traders to record transaction information, automatically process transactions, and record numbers.

2, the assembly line blue-collar workers. Robots have emerged in factory floors in many countries.

3. Secretary. Robots can not rest, and the price is getting cheaper, and the work of recording or secretarial documents may be replaced.

4. Non-litigation lawyers. A robot that can provide legal advice online.

5. Restaurant waiters and bartenders. In many countries, food delivery robots have appeared in restaurants.

6. Scouting soldiers. Unmanned robots can be used as reconnaissance combat missions.

7, the driver. Google’s driverless cars can be tested by automated robots for traffic and weather.

8. Astronauts. Robots can replace astronauts with tasks such as sensors and plot space stations.

9. Pharmacist. The University of California, San Francisco Medical Center has launched a robot-controlled pharmacy.

10. Child caregiver. A Japanese company launched a four-foot-tall robot, mainly to look after children.

Source: Business Insight Network

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