Vitis vinifera and locust control

Answer: Green-lipped crickets are also known as alias blind lice, mosaic insects, and small bugs. The body is small, harmful, and active at night, sucking young tissues and organs. The locusts are commonly known as putrid worms, honey insects, oil han, and so on, which have a rapid reproduction and strong adaptability. The sucking and sucking mouthparts harm young shoots, young leaves, and flower buds, and the excreted manure is the source of mildew disease, inhibits growth, spreads the virus, and subsequently attracts ants to harm the fruit. Both of these pests can be controlled by alternate sprays of imidacloprid and pyrethroid pesticides. In addition, locusts like yellow, can be trapped with yellow armyworm board; silver gray has a stalking effect on the locusts, facilities can be used in vineyards. We must pay attention to group prevention and cure.




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