What can I do if winter gets angry? Nine Easy Ways to Fight in the Winter

The weather is dry in winter and it is easy for people to get angry. In particular, people with improper diet and emotional changes are more likely to get angry. So what do you know about getting fired?

Nine simple ways

Drink plenty of boiled water

Drinking water can speed up metabolism, cool body heat and relieve irritable mood. It is recommended to drink at least 1200 ml of water per day (about two bottles of mineral water).


Potted water in the room

In winter, because of the "dryness" of getting angry, besides replenishing the body, it is also necessary to humidify the dry air, which is beneficial to the body against the threat of germs. You can use a humidifier, put a pot of water, open the window ventilation, etc., to ensure the humidity between 30% ~ 60%.

Early to late

Staying up late will lose yin, the liver will not be fully rested, causing dizziness, dry eyes, irritability, red eyes and other anger symptoms. Proper sleep should be extended during the winter. It is recommended to go to bed before 10 o'clock and get up after 6 o'clock in the morning.

Often rubbing belly

In the face of constipation caused by the fire, you can try to gently rub the stomach, increase gastrointestinal motility, the anger will often dissipate after bowel movement. The method is: One hand with the navel as the center clockwise out of the circle, adhere to more than 5 minutes, until the abdomen slightly warm. Good morning and morning massage.

Moderate exercise

Walking, jogging, tai chi and other sports can relieve boredom, extinguish the fire and enhance physical fitness. But pay attention to two points: the best exercise in the morning until the sun comes out; exercise with slightly sweating is appropriate.

Massage fire drop

According to three acupuncture points, there are fire-retarding effects: 1, according to the sea point, is located in the foot medial, medial malleolar cusp below the depression; 2, Yongquan, located in the forefoot 1/3, the foot of the two sides of the junction; 3, Hegu hole, that is, tiger's mouth. Rubbing time should not be too long, nor too hard to use, to 5 to 10 minutes feel slightly sour swelling is appropriate.

The following three kinds of wrong behavior are the most common:

It should be noted that many people often go to the fire without thinking. Although some popular methods may have merit, they do not apply to all people. Instead of using them, the body is allowed to "burn" or cold or hot.

By drinking herbal tea to get fire

Herbal tea is made up of honeysuckle, chrysanthemum, and astragalus. It is cold and suitable for patients with real fire. However, people with virtual fire drinking herbal tea may “cool on cold” and may also cause stomachache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Women during menstruation, cold and cold patients should not drink herbal tea.

Eat hard bitter to go to the fire

Lettuce, lettuce, bitter gourd and other bitter foods can help Qingxinxiehuo, but can not eat or long-term consumption, especially the elderly, eat more will damage the spleen and stomach, causing nausea, vomiting and other discomfort.

Drink chrysanthemum tea every day

Chrysanthemum tea has the effect of clearing away fire and detoxifying, but it is not appropriate to drink every day. Usually cold and cold, a cool body with cold stomach will have a long-term heavy drink.

What to eat in the winter?

Bitter gourd

The bitter gourd is also called cold melon. It is named after bitterness. Everyone knows that bitter food is the natural enemy of “fire” and bitter gourd is one of the representatives of bitter food. Chinese medicine believes that bitter gourd is cold and bitter, with the effect of clearing away heat and reducing fire, clearing the heart and eyesight, removing heat and removing irritability, and has a certain effect on the treatment of fever, polydipsia, heat stroke, and short urination. Therefore, eating some bitter gourd properly in autumn and winter, you can clear the dry fire, but because of bitter cold, so stomach Deficiency should not eat more.

White radish

Minyun cloud "eat radish summer to eat ginger in winter", "go to bed radish ginger", because white radish is cool, with the effect of heat to heat. White radish is known as “small ginseng”. Outside in winter, it is cold, and tonics consume a lot of meat to cause heat outside. With some white radish, you can use it to get rid of heat, prevent lit it, and nourish the body to improve immunity.

Green bean sprouts

Mung bean is a medicinal and dual-purpose food, green bean sprouts also have the role of mung bean. Mung bean sprouts cool sweet, with heat detoxification, swelling diuretic, cosmetic Cellulite effect, especially suitable for dry mouth, urine hot, red eyes and swelling and other people eat. The frequent consumption of nourishing ingredients in the winter can easily lead to heat poisoning in the body. The consumption of green bean sprouts can remove heat and reduce heat and prevent heat damage.


Pear is a seasonal fruit of autumn and winter. It is cold, sweet and sour. It has the functions of Shengjin Runzao, clearing away heat and relieving cough, and detoxification and phlegm-removing. It brings about a hoarseness, redness, and swollen eyes with cough, yellowness, upset thirst, and fever caused by internal heat. Pain embolism has a therapeutic effect. It should be noted that Pear cold, should not eat too much at once, spleen and stomach Deficiency, cold cough, abdominal pain and cold to eat less pears.


Chinese medicine believes that grapefruit is cold, sweet and sour, with Qingfei Runchang, Liqi Huayu, cough and asthma, hangover Chufan, digestion and spleen effect, if the symptoms of getting angry, you can eat some grapefruit properly. Peeled pomelo skin can also be made into honey yuzu tea, not only to heat and reduce heat, but also whitening freckle. However, grapefruit should not eat too much at one time, and there are some special groups who should not eat grapefruit.


Melon cold, according to "Materia Medica again new" on the melon of the record "Qingxinhuo, diarrhea spleen fire, dampness to the wind, swelling and thirst quencher, Jieshu of heat," winter can be appropriate to eat melon. In addition, the winter for the cold to eat a lot of high-fat, high-fat foods, more fat than other seasons, and since the ancient melon was considered to lose weight wonderful, so the winter consumption of wax gourd also help to lose weight fat.

Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage is preferred for winter fires, and inexpensive seasonal vegetables are available. As the saying goes, “hundred vegetables are not as good as cabbage”. In winter, the Chinese cabbage is water and lingering. The water content is sufficient, fresh and sweet, not only can prevent lit, but also relieve symptoms such as mouth ulcers and constipation.

These are the simple ways to prevent the winter from getting out of flames. It is unavoidable to get angry, but it is unavoidable. The symptoms of winter get angry are not the same, and the way of conditioning is not the same, so I do not want to get angry easily in the winter. , we must learn how to prevent the way to get angry in the winter.

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