How to fertilize apple trees before sprouting

The early nutritional status of fertilization time directly affects the fruit tree's flowering, fruit setting and fruit development. The dryland orchard must strictly control the period and application method of fertilization. The time for applying fertilizer should not be too early. It is better to use about 1 week before sprouting, and a small amount of water should be poured in time after fertilization to ensure fertilizer efficiency. In general, fertilization in spring is from early 3 to mid-April.

Fertilization methods There are two common spring fertilization methods, namely root fertilization and extra-root topdressing (foliar spray). For top dressing in spring, nitrogen fertilizer should be the mainstay. The time should be before the bud to the flowering. It should be sooner rather than later. Non-irrigated orchard nitrogen fertilizer should be applied once after the rain. According to the results of the fertilization investigation in apple orchards, the N, P and K ratios of the applied compound fertilizer are 2:1:2. Normally, 0.4 kg of pure nitrogen is required for every 100 kg of fruit produced. 0.7 kg, phosphorus 0.2-0.35 kg, potassium 0.4-0.7 kg.

1 Root fertilization: Apple's horizontal root system is generally concentrated in the vertical projection area around the crown, vertical roots are concentrated in the soil 20 to 50 cm. Therefore, fertilization should be applied to the roots at a slightly deeper concentration distribution area, nitrogen mobility, should be shallow; phosphate fertilizer is poor mobility, easy to be fixed in the soil, fertilizer is not easy to spread too much, but should be relatively basic Applied to the root distribution layer. Spring fertilization should be shallow, and fertilization should be deep in autumn. Conditional orchards are fertilized after fertilization and cultivated on time. There is no orchard orchard in the fall. This period should be followed in time.

2 foliar spray fertilizer: foliar spray fertilizer is the main purpose is to add calcium and magnesium in the amount of nutrients and boron, iron, manganese, zinc and other trace elements. Orchard for lobular disease: Before spring sprouting, spray 0.3-0.5% zinc sulfate + 0.3-0.5% urea mixture for 2 or 3 times to promote leaf development. The orchards with deformed fruit and more skewed fruit have, in the early flowering stage and flowering stage, sprayed boron once to promote the extension of the pollen tube, increased the fruit setting rate, and preserved the fruit.

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