Poultry Physiological Characteristics and Countermeasures

1. Adult poultry are covered with feathers and have good heat preservation performance. However, poultry do not have sweat glands. When the temperature is high, heat is mainly generated by increasing the amount of breathing. Therefore, when the temperature exceeds 30°C in the hot season, heat stress reaction is likely to occur, seriously affecting growth and development. And production performance.
In order to effectively prevent heat stress, efforts should be made in the summer to cool down, such as opening windows for ventilation, spraying cool water, constructing pergola, and planting vine plants around the farm to minimize heat from reflections on cement pavements and walls, etc. Increase the amount of VC, you can add 0.04% of VC in the feed or 0.4% of NaHCO3, while drinking with 0.01 to 0.02% of VC.
2. Poultry has no teeth, a small number of taste buds, a short digestive tract, chicken intestine is about 5 times the body length, ducks, goose's intestine is about 4 to 5 times the body length, acidic in the digestive tract; muscle stomach muscle Strong (carnivorous birds have poorly developed stomach and stomach).
1 Poultry using bitter stomachic drugs such as gentian, hibiscus, etc. is not effective, if the digestive function is not good, you can use garlic, acetic acid and other digestive drugs.
2 In the treatment of gastrointestinal infections, some drugs such as streptomycin, gentamycin, and kanamycin are not easily absorbed in the digestive tract and should not be used; oxytetracycline can be used for the oral treatment of gastrointestinal infections and other systemic infections, doxycycline The most easily absorbed is a long-acting drinking water antibacterial drug.
3 poultry feed should be easily digested and absorbed to prevent wastage; to help the gizzard to better grind food and improve the digestibility of feed, proper amount of gravel should be added to the poultry feed and the hens should be fed during the laying period. Crushed shells, can not only add calcium, but also play a similar role.
4 Chickens have low rates of digestion and absorption of nutrients, and modern chicken farming (especially intensive chicken farms) has a special focus on increasing nutrient concentrations in chicken feed. Therefore, in order to make full use of nutrients, chicken manure is often used in actual production. Second development and utilization: Collect chicken manure and mix it in feeds to feed pigs, feed cattle, and even feed chickens. However, chicken excrement is excrement after all, contains a large number of microorganisms, in order to prevent infection, must remove chicken feathers, litter, wood chips and other debris, must be stacked before fermentation can be applied, the chicken should be prohibited from collecting feces.
3. There are 9 air bags connected to the lungs of poultry. These air bags are connected to the ends of the bones to make the bones become air-bone. It also makes the internal environment a semi-open system and is susceptible to microbial infections, especially in the air. When harmful gases and dust such as NH3, CO, CO2, and H2S, feed debris, and feather crumbs, airbag damage is easily caused, and Aspergillus, mycoplasma, E. coli, and Pasteurella enter the body and cause diseases. At the same time, the bird does not have a diaphragmatic muscle, and the chest cavity communicates with the abdominal cavity as a cavity. If an infection occurs in the abdominal cavity, it is easy to cause a large area of ​​inflammation and affect the heart, lungs and other important organs.
1 In order to prevent damage and infection, the poultry house should be cleaned in time to do its utmost to do a good job of air disinfection in poultry houses and activity venues to keep the environment and air fresh and sanitary. The commonly used method is to regularly open the window for ventilation and regularly spray the disinfectant and spray it in time. Clean water keeps the humidity in the house, allowing dust and debris to sink in time.
2 Birds do not have muscles or cough. When respiratory infections occur, the use of antitussives is ineffective. Ammonium chloride can be used to help discharge sputum, and antibiotics can be used to control inflammation as soon as possible.
3 The airbag expands the breathing area, which is not only favorable for heat dissipation, but also is good for absorption of drugs. Therefore, when an infection occurs, it can be administered by spraying, which is convenient and easy to absorb.
4. Poultry has no bladder, no separate urethra, only one common cloacal cavity, and the rectum is also very short. The excreta accumulates on the back of the cloaca and is excreted by the body after absorbing water. Therefore, the feces and urine are not easy to distinguish, especially It is even more difficult to find out when it is “Lazi” because it is caused by gastrointestinal lesions or because of kidney disease or a lot of drinking water. The poultry's kidney structure is relatively simple, the filtration area is small, the effective filtration pressure is low, and it is sensitive to substances excreted by the kidneys (including drugs), easily causing damage and causing renal insufficiency.
1 At the time of attribution analysis of “rare” of poultry, attention should be paid to differential diagnosis among factors such as heat stress, mildew in feed, high feed water content, intestinal parasites, intestinal infection, and systemic infection. Judging carefully, we must not rush to conclusions.
2 Most of the streptomycins and sulfa drugs are excreted by the kidneys and are likely to cause harm to the kidneys. Clinical use should be avoided.
5. Poultry is a neuro-sensitive animal, sudden noise and small animals such as dogs, cats, rats, snakes, etc., can easily cause screaming, flying jump and other alarming phenomenon, resulting in the whole group appear to reduce food, produce soft shell eggs , weakened resistance and other stress responses, seriously affecting productivity.
1 Poultry farms should be kept in secluded places away from downtown areas, roads, railways and docks; in order to reduce noise, trees can also be planted around them.
2 Breeders are not free to change, should wear white overalls as much as possible; in daily management work, such as cleaning, feeding feed, drinking water, picking eggs, immunization, grouping, opening and closing windows and doors, spraying drugs must be Be cautious and prevent brutality and loud sounds from disturbing the flock.
3 Rodent deterrent work should be done in the farm to prevent the entry of small animals. Generally, no dog should be kept.

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