Roots of fruit trees are commonly used for irrigating fertilizers

Different fertilizers have different properties, and they have different transformations after they are applied to the soil. The nutrient effects and the aftereffects of the different growth stages in the fruit tree cycle are also different. Therefore, understanding and mastering the characteristics of various fertilizers is essential to balancing tree nutrients and improving fertilizer efficiency.

Organic Fertilizer There are many types of organic fertilizer, mainly human urine, manure, compost, green manure, cake manure, earth manure, bad residue fertilizer, rot manure, domestic waste, and pollution. Organic manure is a complete fertilizer. It is rich in organic matter and various nutrients needed for crops. The release of organic manure is an indispensable part of energy and material recycling in agricultural production, and it is also one of the important measures for the production of pollution-free fruits. . Organic fertilizers have unique effects in improving soil and fertility, in addition to providing nutrients, increasing fruit tree yield, and improving fruit quality.

Since the organic fertilizers are applied to the soil, they need to be decomposed by microorganisms to re-synthesize humus and release inorganic nutrients for root absorption of the fruit trees. Therefore, the fertilizer effect is slow and lasting, which is suitable for basal fertilizer application. The combined application of organic fertilizers and quick-acting fertilizers can increase fertilizer efficiency, reduce urgency, and complement each other's length, giving full play to various potential for yield increase and land conservation.

Chemical fertilizers can be divided into chemical nitrogen fertilizers, phosphate fertilizers, potash fertilizers, calcium, magnesium, sulfur fertilizers, trace element fertilizers, and compound fertilizers according to the types and forms of nutrients in fertilizers. Fertilizer has the characteristics of high nutrient content, rapid fertilizer efficiency, and easy absorption by roots, but it is volatile, loss, leaching, and fixation. It has low utilization rate and is easy to pollute the environment. Therefore, fertilizers are easy to apply top dressing or foliar spray, which has significant fertilizer effect. The types, properties, and application techniques of fertilizers commonly used in root fertilization of fruit trees are listed for application.

Root fertilization (leaf spraying)

Composting outside the roots is a method of fertilizing the fertilizer with a certain concentration of solution and spraying it on the canopy. It is simple, easy to use, with a small amount of fertilizer, fertilizer efficiency, and can be mixed with some pesticides, saving labor and other characteristics, but also can supplement the tree's moisture needs. Especially in the high yield and drought season, due to the strong competitiveness of photosynthetic fruits, the roots grow poorly, and the effect of top dressing is better. In the absence of irrigation conditions and root damage and intercropping orchards, rational root dressing, can increase fruit rate, promote fruit hypertrophy, enhance quality, enrich shoots, and increase resistance.

(I) Factors Affecting the Effect of Top Dressing

1. The amount of time and quantity of fertilizer solution remaining on the surface of the fruit leaves can only be sufficiently absorbed by sufficient amount of nutrient solution to remain on the foliage branches for a long time.

1 The amount of spraying: In a certain concentration range of fertilizer solution, the amount of the tree body is proportional to the amount of spraying, but if the amount exceeds a certain limit, the fertilizer solution will be lost. The optimum amount of spray is generally best when the liquid is going to flow from the blade without flowing down.

2 The structural characteristics of the surface of the tree: The uprightness and smoothness of the leaf sign and the convex or concave of the stomata, the number of trichomes, and the thickness of the stratum corneum affect the absorption and retention time of the fertilizer solution. If the surface of the trichome is much, the liquid bead is often supported and cannot directly contact with the leaf surface, making it difficult to absorb.

2, fertilizer characteristics and use

1 Fertilizer type and concentration: There are significant differences in the speed of different fertilizers entering the leaves. The rate at which fertilizer solution enters the leaves is one of the important conditions for determining whether it can be used as a root. At the same time, the concentration of fertilizer solution is related to the entry speed. Most fertilizers generally have higher concentrations and faster entry, but magnesium chloride has nothing to do with concentration.

2 The pH of the fertilizer solution: It is beneficial to the absorption of cations (such as K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, etc.) in the alkaline solution, and the anion absorption in the acidic medium.

3, tree growth status and leaf structure

1 The physiological function of young leaves is strong, the absorption intensity is large, and the proportion of stomata is large, which is conducive to the absorption of nutrients.

2 On the back of the leaf, there are many pores, and the stratum corneum is thin, and it has a loose spongy tissue and a large intercellular space, which is conducive to the absorption of fertilizer solution.

4, climatic conditions, high temperature can promote the concentration of fertilizer solution to dry, easy to cause stomatal closure and unfavorable to absorption. The optimum temperature for top dressing is 18~25°C. Therefore, it is advisable to use it before 10 o'clock in the morning and 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The spraying effect is better when the temperature is higher. When the temperature is high, the spray mist should not be too small, so as to prevent the moisture from evaporating quickly and causing fertilizer damage.

(II) Notes on top dressing outside the roots

1. Grasp the appropriate concentration of fertilizer solution in the absence of fertilizer damage under the premise of using high concentrations, to maximize the satisfaction of the needs of fruit trees to nutrients. However, small tests must be done first to determine if it can cause harm and then spray it over a large area. The concentration is closely related to tree species, climate, phenology, and fertilizer types. Generally speaking, when the temperature is low, the temperature is large, and the leaf sign is old, the concentration of fertilizer that can damage the leaves is lighter than the available concentration. On the contrary, it must be smaller.

2. Spraying this element is the best when spraying fruit trees in urgent need of certain nutrient elements and showing deficiency symptoms. In general, fruit trees need a large amount of boron during flowering. At this time, spraying borax or boric acid can increase the fruit setting rate. When the leaf area grows to a certain size, the spraying is best. The young leaves are sensitive to the fertilizer solution, but the foliage is too small and the contact probability is smaller.

3, to determine the best spraying site of different nutrient elements in the tree in the mobility and re-use are different, so the spray site is also different. Trace elements are poorly mobile in the tree and it is best to spray directly on the most needed organs, such as young leaves, shoots, or flowers. If boron should be sprayed on the flowers can increase the fruit setting rate, calcium spray to the fruit can prevent physiological calcium deficiency or improve fruit storage.

4. Select suitable fertilizer varieties to prevent the occurrence of fertilizer damage. Different tree species react differently to the same fertilizer. The effect of apple urea spraying was obvious, followed by citrus and grapes. At the same time, according to the characteristics of fertilizers and tree species, etc., appropriate concentrations and application times should be formulated so as to avoid the occurrence of fertilizer damage.

(3) Commonly used materials and suitable concentrations for top dressing

The types and concentrations of fertilizers suitable for recovering from the roots are related to tree species, tree age, and phenological period. The following table shows the types and concentrations of top-dressing fertilizers commonly used in China's main tree species.

1. The nitrogenous fertilizers for foliar spraying of nitrogen are urea, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, ammonium chloride, among which urea is better. Because urea is a neutral organic nitrogen-containing compound, its molecular volume is very small and its diffusion is strong. It easily penetrates the cell membrane and enters the cell, and it is hygroscopic. After spraying, the leaves remain moist and the absorption rate is fast. Therefore, whether it is the old leaves or young leaves, soft leaves or hard leaves can absorb well. Although the nitrogen content is high (46%), it is generally not toxic to fruit trees after spraying. Ammonium sulphate and sodium sulphate, etc., are selectively absorbed by causal trees, and SO2-4 and Na+ tend to accumulate in the tree body, and excessive spraying may be harmful to the growth of fruit trees.

2. The foliar spraying of phosphorus is commonly used in foliar spraying of phosphorus fertilizers, such as ammonium phosphate, superphosphate, potassium monohydrogen phosphate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, etc. Among them, ammonium phosphate has the best effect. The concentration is 0.5% to 1.0%. Experiments have shown that the ammonium foliar application of phosphorus can promote the growth of shoots and roots and the effect of flower buds. It is believed that the phosphate fertilizer is absorbed by leaves and transported to new shoots, stems and roots.

3, potassium foliar spray spraying of potassium salt potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, potassium nitrate, monopotassium phosphate and potassium dihydrogen phosphate and so on. Among them, potassium dihydrogen phosphate works best. Potassium can promote the growth of new shoots and roots of fruit trees, and can reduce the occurrence of physiological diseases such as citrus wrinkly skin and floating skin fruit. Potassium can also be absorbed from the leaves and turned to various parts of the tree.

4, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients with the three elements of the spray test, the three elements of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium mixed spray is better. At the same time, the 18-year-old grapes were mixed with 3.0% superphosphate, 0.5% potassium salt, 20.1% sodium chitosan (NaNO3), 0.05% boric acid, and 0.02% manganese sulfate. They were sprayed 3 times before flowering, after berry setting and during berry growing period. (Single-spray or mixed-spray), Bordeaux mixture is added to the mixture at the time of spraying, and the extra-root dressing with the combination of three elements and trace elements has a significant effect on the yield increase of the grapes. However, the output of the three elements in the spraying area and the control area was phased, and only the sugar content of the berry increased. It can be seen that in the orchards with high soil fertility or orchards lacking in trace elements, the three elements must be applied in an appropriate amount with the application of trace elements, and the effect is better.

For the treatment of diseases of the Digestive System:

Many symptoms can signal problems with the GI tract, including: abdominal pain, blood in the stool, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, incontinence, nausea and vomiting and difficulty swallowing, according to the NIH.

Among the most widely known diseases of the digestive system is colon cancer. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 51,783 Americans died from colon cancer in 2011 (the most recent year for available data). Excluding skin cancers, colon and rectal cancer, or colorectal cancer, is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in the United States, according to the American Cancer Society.

Polyp growth and irregular cells, which may or may not be cancerous, are the most common development paths for colorectal cancers (also referred to as CRC), and can be detected during a routine colonoscopy, according to Dr. John Marks, a gastroenterologist affiliated with the Main Line Health health care system.

[The best news is that, if caught early enough, they can also be removed during the colonoscopy - eliminating the possibility that they grow further and become cancer," Marks said.

For those patients whose cancer has already spread, there are various minimally invasive surgical options that have extremely good prognoses. It is recommended that asymptomatic patients without a family history begin getting tested regularly between the ages 45 and 50, according to Marks. [Symptoms which may suggest that you need a colonoscopy at an earlier age include rectal bleeding and stool/bowel habit changes which last for more than a few days."

While CRC gets a great deal of attention, many diseases and conditions of the digestive system - including irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis, GERD (acid reflux) and Crohn`s disease - can be chronic and are difficult to diagnose and treat, according to Dr. Larry Good, a gastroenterologist affiliated with South Nassau Communities Hospital. [With many of these diseases, blood work and colonoscopies all looks normal, so there is an absence of red flags."

Many of the diseases of the digestive system are tied to the foods we eat, and a number of sufferers can reduce their symptoms by restricting their diets, Good said. [Of course no one wants to hear that they can`t eat certain foods, but many times, eliminating acidic things from the diet, such as tomatoes, onions, and red wine, can have an impact," Good said.

There are a number of tests to detect digestive tract ailments. A colonoscopy is the examination of the inside of the colon using a long, flexible, fiber-optic viewing instrument called a colonoscope, according the American Gastroenterological Association. Other testing procedures include upper GI endoscopy, capsule endoscopy, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and endoscopic ultrasound.

Digestive System

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