The cultivation technique of turtle turtles

The turtle that hatched from the egg until the winter of that year is called a hatchling. Juvenile turtles are relatively weak and physically weak. They have poor adaptability to the living environment, the slowest growth, and a high mortality rate. Cultivation at this stage is directly related to the economic benefits of breeding in the future. It is the most critical link for artificial breeding turtles. Grasping the following technical key is an effective way to accelerate the growth of hatchlings and increase the survival rate.
1. Handle the handling of hatchlings.
It is of great importance for hatchling hatchlings to improve their adaptability and resistance to the outside world and enhance their immunity before entering the breeding pond.
(1) The newly hatched juvenile turtle is left in the wet sand environment for 1-2 days. After the umbilical cord dehydration converges, the body changes from curled to straight, and then it is placed in the indoor pots and vessels for raising.
In the meantime, because their yolks have not been absorbed and no external nutrients are taken, they do not need to be fed. Tests have shown that a moist sandy environment can improve juvenile adaptation and immunity.
(2) Medicinal bath hatchlings. Before juvenile tortoises enter the nursery pool, they are soaked with 15-PPM nitrofurazone for 15-20 minutes; 40-PPM potassium permanganate and 2%-3% saline are soaked for 10-15 minutes, not only can increase the survival rate of hatchlings, but also strengthen Its growth, this drug can not only better disinfection, but also relatively soft and easy to harm the skin of the baby turtle.
2. Creating an excellent ecological environment Turtles have their special living habits. The juvenile turtles are tender and weak, and they are poorly adapted to the external environment. They need a special and excellent environment.
(1) To cultivate the structure and bottom quality of the pool. Juvenile turtle pool is better as a rectangular concrete pool. The area of ​​indoor 5-10 square meters is appropriate, outdoor 40-50 cm. The pool descends from the inlet to the outlet with a gradient of 2%. The feed station is set at 2 cm below the water. The rest and drying station makes a slope at a 30-degree angle to the ground on the side of the pool wall and makes the slope. Reach about 20 cm into the water. The bottom of the pool is covered with No. 14 sieve that can not pass the No. 30 sieve sand 10-20 cm. This kind of sand has good ventilation, and at the same time, the young turtle quickly penetrates into the sand layer when it is frightened. The delicate skin is not easily damaged. There is no sand grain below the feed table. Drainage management can better eliminate dirt and ensure the fresh water quality.
(2) Protection of water sources, water quality, and water temperature. The water that breeds juvenile turtles is better than unpolluted rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. Pool water should maintain a certain degree of plankton, yellow-green color, transparency 30-40 cm. Remove at least one bait that sinks into the bottom of the tank at least once a day. Change water once in 3-5 days. Water temperature is controlled at 25-30 °C. In the summer hot season, measures should be taken to prevent the temperature of the sun, take a arbor on the top of the pool, or inject some cool water; use warming measures in winter to warm it to ensure proper growth temperature.
(3) The needs of the surrounding environment. The environment around the juvenile turtle pond should be leeward, sunny, quiet, warm, and avoid pollution and noise. Satisfy the turtle three happy (Xi Jing, Xi Yang, Xi Jie), eliminating the three fear (fear of cold, afraid of the wind, fear of dirty) characteristics.
(4) Suitable stocking densities. A reasonable stocking density is an important technical measure for accelerating the growth of juvenile tortoises, increasing their survival rate and increasing their yield. Juvenile turtle stocking density of 40-50 per square meter is appropriate.
3, do a good job of nutrition allocation of hatchling turtle feed, fine, soft, tender, fresh, easy to digest, there is lure. It can use chopped fish, shrimp, snails, clams, livestock and other internal organs such as bait, supplemented with vegetables and cereals. You can also use turtle food plus 10% -20% blisters, and then use vegetable juice to reconcile into dough for feeding.
4, do a good job of day-to-day management and carefully manage the benefits. The hatchlings must be specially and carefully cared for. Adhere to the patrol pool every morning and evening, and record water temperature, temperature, pH, transparency, and water color parameters every morning, evening, and evening. Observe the sun-back and feeding activities of hatchlings. When juvenile tortoises are disparate in size, they must be kept in separate ponds. Feeding bait should be set to four. Prevent snakes, rats, birds, and animals from harming hatchlings. Found that the diseased turtle should be immediately isolated pool water and disinfection. Prevent water from spilling turtles.
5, pay attention to winter management Because the young turtles individual small year, the body stored less material, and wintering time is longer, so to do the wintering turtle hatchery management work is a key to breeding hatchlings. Before the hatchlings have entered the winter, they must renovate the walls of the doors and windows of the wintering pool in order to keep them warm and leeward. The wintering pool is covered with 20-30 cm sand, and the water depth is kept more than 1 meter. When the temperature dropped to about 14°C, the hatchlings were moved into the indoor wintering pond and the stocking density was 100-200 per square meter. Take measures such as laying hot water pipes, using high-energy light bulbs, and burning coal stoves to increase indoor temperature and prevent pool water from freezing. It is advisable to control the indoor air temperature at 0-8°C.

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