Spore trap use precautions

1, transportation

Do not climb, stand or place heavy objects on the product packaging;

Collision and inversion are strictly prohibited.

2, unpacking inspection

After opening the package, please confirm whether it is the product you purchased;

Check th

High-yielding Cultivation Techniques of Autumn Cucumber in Greenhouse

The cultivation of autumn cucumbers in greenhouses has high yield, good efficiency, and low cultivation difficulty. It is one of the main cornices for cucumber cultivation.

First, nursery

1. Variety selection. Select high-quality products with high temperature resistance an

Expert food gold partner

The nutrients in food are difficult to count, and they affect each other. If the two foods are well-mixed, they will not only taste good, they will also promote the absorption of beneficial ingredients and give better play to their health benefits. The latest publication of the "Fox N

Why do some mealworms occur in this year's mealworms?

In July and August of this year, the phone number of the fruit farmers was continuously received, reflecting the phenomenon that the pear mealworm bags attacked the pear fruit surface. In order to understand the occurrence of yellow mealworms in pear trees, our team of experts successively

Men's health first kidney

Regarding the developmental process of growth from birth to aging, the traditional Chinese medicine community has a concept of “male, female, and female”, which originally originated from the “Yellow Emperor's Internal Classics”. That is

Oral ulcer therapy

Oral ulcer is a kind of disease that is caused by the fire in the oral cavity. It is repetitive and localized. Generally, it can heal itself, but it takes a long time, so we can treat it with the help of therapeutic methods.

The medicinal effect of jackfruit

Jackfruit also has thirst, through milk, make up the benefit of Qi. To improve local blood and body fluid circulation bronchitis, bronchial asthma, acute pneumonia, pharyngitis, retinitis, mastitis, postpartum breast congestion, postpartum thrombophlebitis, arthrit

What happens when the grapes are eaten too much

Cold grapes can play a certain fire-clearing effect. The taste of the grapes is sweet and sour, and many friends particularly like the special taste of grapes. From a healthy dietary point of view, regular consumption of grapes can supplement large amounts of vitamins and minerals.

Effect of fig consumption

Many people know figs, but few people know that there are no flowers and there are magical health effects, the following and Xiao Bian together to understand what fig figs have what magical unknown effect it.

Apple Tree Ringworm Disease Treatment

1. Strengthen the management of tree and tree management trees includes timely fruit thinning, yield control, foliar spraying, etc.; management under the tree includes increasing organic fertilizer, improving soil fertility, timely irrigation, etc., to enhance the tree's own disease re

Floating wheat prescription example

Examples of prescriptions: Floating wheat cowpea clothing decoction: floating wheat, cowpea clothes each 9g, add water 200 ml, concentrated to 100 ml, each serving 50 ml, twice a day.

Modified Ganmai Dazao Tang: Zhigancao 12g, float

How to fertilize summer flowers

In the summer, most of the flowers are relatively poor because of the high temperature. Flowers that are not high in temperature, such as dwarf red, petunia, and clivia, grow extremely slowly and require less fertilizer. At this time, fertilization should be stopped. If the cooling conditions