Telemedicine Health Trend Report

Telemedicine , under the collision of the Internet and traditional medical care , has created a new type of consultation mode. Nowadays, with the development of the mobile Internet, Dongfeng is heading for a new de

Solanaceous vegetables prevent premature decay

The symptoms of premature aging of eggplant, pepper, tomato and other vegetables are: the plant shrinks, the growth is slow, the leaves turn yellow, the flowers and fruits are late and less, the yield is low, the quality is poor, and the plants die prematurely when they die. The reason for

What to eat after ectopic pregnancy is good

After ectopic pregnancy, women who eat after ectopic pregnancy are mostly frail. At this time, giving recharge nutrition is very helpful for the recovery of the body after surgery. Especially women with excessive blood loss during surgery need timely blood suppleme

Cucumber Epidemic Symptoms and Control Methods

Symptoms: Diseases can be affected from the seedling stage to the adult planting stage, and the stem bases, leaves and fruits are mainly damaged in the protected cultivation. Seedlings were mostly infected with tender tips. They were dark green water-stained and wilted at first, and gradua

After the beginning of spring suitable for liver

Twenty-four solar terms in the beginning of spring have passed, the traditional Chinese medicine has always been the "spring should raise liver," said that this time is necessary to raise liver.

In the spring when the live

How to fertilize greenhouse pepper planting?

Pepper is one of the vegetables in the province that has relatively labor force and investment. The harvest time of pepper is long, and the price of pepper is relatively stable every year. It is the preferred planting variety for vegetable farmers. Winter vegetables have better econ

What are the benefits of eating pods for the elderly?

Soybean meal is a common condiment and dish on the table. Eating lobster sauce is not only appetizing and eliminating food, expelling wind and dispelling cold, but also preventing cerebral thrombosis and Alzheimer's disease. It can be said that many elderly peo

What are the benefits of eating steamed fish every week?

Eating diabetic fish twice a week helps prevent its most serious complication, diabetic nephropathy. The results of this study were published in the American Journal of Nephrology, the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation in December 2012.

Dr. Amanda Adler, from the U

Chilan - Medicinal value

Medicinal value

Its roots and bark can be used as medicine, and it has the medicinal value of relieving asthma.

The skin of the fruit is edible and is a common fruit in the countryside.

GE Healthcare: Leading China's "New Normal"

The first time I saw Duan Xiaolu was at the "Most Influential Business Women" dinner of Fortune two years ago. When she was the president of GE Healthcare Greater China, she was petite and dressed in a white suit with short hair and fe