Design and solution of portable ECG monitoring system

Electrocardiogram (ECG) is an important tool for the diagnosis of heart disease. Conventional electrocardiogram is a short-term ECG activity recorded by the hospital's electrocardiograph in a recumbent situation. Because of a large chance and suddenness in heart attack, r

The medical industry has no real "big data"

Experts pointed out that at present, the quality of medical health data in China is not high, and the ability of data analysis needs to be improved.

"From a macro perspective, the main problems facing the development of big data app

About HD-GZ large capacity liquid potting machine description

HD-GZ high-capacity liquid potting machine is suitable for liquid automatic filling in pharmaceutical, food, chemical and other industries. It is suitable for bottles of different materials and specifications by linear filling. The machine is compact and reasonable, an

What about summer health? Song Yifu Weapons: The most important diet

In summer, the weather is hot and the temperature rises. People often feel dizziness, tiredness, weakness and other symptoms. At the same time, people's stomach is also stimulated, causing anorexia, picky eaters, partial eclipse problems. Health expert Song Yif

How to replenish the weight of the winter solstice

In the prevailing season of replenishing tonics, people choose to supplement themselves in various ways. The most common ones are eating and drinking, and eating and drinking, so that when a winter comes down, they all have a lot of embarrassment. It is unhealthy, and tonic is not just a s

Fruit rot disease should be controlled in winter

In the prevention and control of fruit tree rot, over the years people only paid attention to the prevention and treatment of the spring but neglected the prevention and treatment in the winter. As a result, the recurrence rate of the disease is high and can not be completely cured. Howeve

"Game" venue for mobile medical wealthy people

Ma Yun once claimed that "30 years later, doctors will not be able to find a job, and there will be fewer pharmaceutical factories and hospitals." In recent years, IT giants such as Tencent, Google, Apple, and Samsung have extended their reach to the health

Raising breeding sheep breeding skills

Shepherding sheep can properly solve the problem of livestock and grass, and play a role in ecological and environmental protection, further improve the level of livestock production, shorten the time of slaughter, and increase the income of farmers. At the same time, housing and feeding c