No-tillage cultivation of autumn corn field

The cultivation of autumn corn in plate farmland with no-tillage refers to a mode of directly growing corn without plowing, after the early rice harvest has a greater risk of drought for planting late rice. The planting mode has the advantages of rushing seasons, labor saving, water saving, cost-saving and high yield. In recent years, through the promotion of demonstrations, the planting area in our county has been gradually expanding, but some farmers have not only caused the loss of production due to cultivation management. According to the author's experience accumulated over the past few years, it is considered that the following matters should be taken into account in the no-tillage cultivation of autumn corn fields:

First, drain ditch, reasonable close planting

When the autumn corn is planted, the gutters and gutters should be opened to avoid soil waterlogging and cause bad seedlings. In order to ensure the yield, semi-compact corn is planted with 3,200 to 3,500 plants per mu, and compact corn is planted with 4,500 to 5,000 plants per mu.

Second, select good breeds and timely sowing

As the temperature of autumn corn grows from high to low, autumn corn has a stronger grouting time than spring corn, and strict temperature requirements. If the temperature is lower than 16 degrees Celsius, the grout will be slow, and if the temperature is lower than 15 degrees Celsius, the grouting will stop. The later the sowing, the harder it will mature. The output also gradually declined. Therefore, in the selection of varieties, we should choose hybrids with well-developed roots, lush growth, and good resistance to early-middle-maturing hybrid corn; sowing time should be better by the end of July and no later than August 5.

Third, scientific fertilization, reasonable irrigation and drainage

The early growth and development of autumn corn is fast, and the early growth time is short. Therefore, in the fertilization, we should adhere to the application of base fertilizer, early application of Miaofei, heavy panicle fertilizer, make-up granulation. Generally, 25% compound fertilizer (NPK: 10-5-10) 65 kg plus 5 kg urea is used as base fertilizer per acre. After 4 to 5 leaves of Dingmiao, 750 kilograms of human and animal manure water and 3 to 4 kilograms of urea per acre are poured to raise seedlings, combined with a small cultivator for cultivator. Taureong 8 to 10 days before the application of 20 kg of urea per acre plus potash fertilizer 10 to 15 kilograms of water, combined with soil, prevent lodging. When the autumn corn field draws 1/3 of the time, depending on the condition of the seedlings, the application of granule fertilizer is applied, and 5 kg of urea is applied per acre. When the soil is dry, the foliar fertilizer should be sprayed to prevent premature fertility loss, extend the effective grain filling period, promote grain filling and increase yield. The weather in the early stage of the growth of autumn corn is changeable, and it is necessary to pay attention to drought resistance and drainage, flowering and pollination, and the grain filling period should be paid attention to the drought-protection harvest.

Fourth, prevent pests, assist pollination

During the growth period of autumn corn, they are vulnerable to aphids, and they can be treated with 1000 times liquid of chrysanthemum pesticides in the period of 5-6 leaves and big bellmouth, and the prevention and treatment of large leaf spot and aphids should also be paid attention to. If the corn attracts male flowers and meets the rain and cold weather, artificial pollination should be carried out 1 or 2 times. The pollination time is from 8 to 12 o'clock in the morning (after the dew is dry).

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