Scientists plan to implant microchips into the brain to preserve ten years of memory information

Release date: 2013-05-10

44 This brain implant chip has been used to treat sputum patients, and a research team now says it can help people save memory. 35 Scientists are studying brain hippocampus, which is responsible for the long-term memory of the brain. It can last for 10 years. Another study by the university shows how the hippocampus works. According to foreign media reports, American scientists believe that a chip can store memory information in damaged brain tissue for 10 years, and it is expected to implant stroke and Alzheimer in the next two years. The brain of the patient recovers their memory.
Scientists at the University of Southern California and Wake Forest University are dedicated to analyzing the human hippocampus, which is responsible for preserving the long-term memory of the brain and storing approximately 10 years of memory. They point out that the new implant chip can help the brain to locally damage patients and stroke patients, and will eventually be used to restore the memory of Alzheimer's patients.
Currently, researchers have experimented with mice and monkeys to confirm that a silicon chip's electronic signals can replicate brain information. The research team was excited about their findings, arguing that a memory device could replicate memory storage for 5-10 years.
Professor Ted Berger, a biomedical engineer at the University of Southern California, said: "We don't feed our personal memories back to the brain, just using the latest technology to preserve people's memory. I never thought I could see this technology for the rest of my life, I don't. May benefit, but my children and grandchildren will benefit from it."
Researchers are now focusing on the hippocampus, which is located in the deep structure of the brain and is capable of consolidating memory information from short to long term. They hope that implanting chips in the future will replicate the brain's neuron information.
Implantation of the chip will help people with mobility disorders in the brain, usually those with local brain damage or stroke. The ultimate goal is to treat Alzheimer's patients, but this requires a lot of research work. (Camera)

Source: Sohu Science

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