The efficacy and production method of barley powder

Coix seed powder is one of the most important foods in China. The folks have long known about Huanren, making meals as a delicacies, and regard them as valuable Chinese medicines. They are widely used in medicated diets and are

Which nutritional factors affect pig fur quality


Vitamin A pigs in the vitamin A deficiency show poor skin, movement disorders, blindness, decreased fertility, etc., but excessive vitamin A can also cause poisoning, manifested as coat rough, scaly skin, hematuria and blood feces. Therefore, maintaining an appropriate lev

Are vegetables more calcium than milk?

Milk is the easiest source of calcium for people. A cup of milk can easily make up one-third of the calcium needed for a day, and other foods can't be so convenient and quick. However, in fact, if calculated according to the density of nutrients, the calcium supplementation benefit of

Herbal Planting Chemical Weeding "Six Attentions"

First, pay attention to the selectivity, specificity, and timeliness of chemical herbicides. Do not misuse or abuse them.

Second, strictly control the limited dose, according to soil quality, farmland microclimate, according to the dose range, concentration use.

Third, a re

Pollution-free breeding techniques

Boleophtalmus chinensis Osbeck belongs to the order Acridionidae and Bombycidae. It is commonly known as flower jumping and jumping fish. It is a warm-water wide-salinity and wide-salinity fish. It is abundant in Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and Taiwan provinces (regions). ) In the coa

Eat tofu best with kelp

Tofu and other soy products are nutritious, inexpensive, and can supplement the body's high-quality protein, lecithin, linoleic acid, vitamin B1, vitamin E, calcium, and iron. Tofu also contains a variety of saponins, which can prevent the production of lipid peroxides, inhibit the abs

When to grow and fatten a pig

In rural areas, it is common for some pig farmers to raise their fat pigs to 150-200 kg and still refuse to sell or slaughter. It is said that this can be sold at a good price. In fact, it is not worth it.

From a global point of view, when slaughter pigs are grown and fattened, we

After dinner to help digestion 7 kinds of good products to choose

Eat a pear after grilling

Korean scientists found that eating a pear after eating fried food is a healthy diet. Fried roasted foods are smoky and produce more carcinogens such as benzopyrene. Pears, especially pear juice, are rich in anticancer substances that can eliminate or elim

Summer cowpea fertilizer water management can not be loose

Summer Bean growing season is hot and rainy, and serious pests and weeds occur. If the management is not extensive, it will seriously affect the quality of the output.

Seedling stage should strictly control the amount of watering, no drought or not pouring, when the cowpea plant grows

The cure of swine fever

Swine fever, commonly known as swine fever, is a contagious parasitic disease caused by skin infestations. The clinical features are skin inflammation, itching, systemic failure, and high contact sexual transmission. It is mainly caused by direct contact between pigs and pigs, or through indir

Non-polluted tea garden construction technology experience

In the past three years, I have been engaged in the construction of non-polluted tea gardens in the tea production process, made some useful trials, and also achieved some results. Now I will introduce the preliminary experiences of specific operations as follows: 1 The first is to solve the p

Tea treatment after dampness

It is rainy in summer and the tea is not properly preserved, and the water absorption is damp, and the light loses fragrance and the mildew changes. At this point, if the moisture-laden tea is exposed to sunlight, the ultraviolet rays in the sun will destroy various components in the tea, affe