The main ingredient of Rehmannia

Main components

Rehmannia glutinosa contains β-Sitosterol, Mannitol, a small amount of Stigmasterol, and trace Camperol. Also contains Rehmannin, Catalpol, Dihydrocatalpol, Acetylcatalpol, Danmelittoside, Melittoside, Hydroxyterp

How to measure the quality of pellet feed

Pellet feed is one of the most important types of forage formed feed products. In addition to standard nutrient testing, the quality of fodder pellets is generally determined according to the measurement items of grain pellets, including particle surface conditions, chalking rates, hardnes

Summer diet conditioning in three phases

As summer approaches, a reasonable diet is necessary. People in the hot living environment, body temperature regulation, water, salt metabolism and circulation, digestion, nerve, endocrine and urinary system have significant changes. These changes involve increased metabolism and increased

Water softener installation and use precautions

For soft water machines, many consumers are not very familiar with it. The professionalism of the water softener is very strong, and its principle, technical terminology, operation method, operating cost, etc. are not very clear. Today, we have summarized some knowledge about the installation,

Different color corns have different anti-cancer effects

The greatest contribution of corn to humans is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, the pigments that dye corn in gold, which protect the sensuous area called the macula in the eyes and prevent age-related macular degeneration and cataract formation. However, it should b

Summer fish disease classification and prevention

Midsummer is both the golden age of fish growth and the most prone to fish disease. Since the water temperature is high at this stage, the climate is hot, organic matter decomposes quickly, plankton breeds much, and the water quality is easily deteriorated, which often leads to an outbreak

The nutritional value of rich shrimp

Shrimp larvae commonly known as "Lee urine shrimp", "Potato shrimp", "crawling shrimp", "shrimp pupa" and so on, are arthropods door, crustacean, mouth and feet head, Shrimp family. Is a common marine economic animal, for the

Native recipes

Land keel melon soup


Melon 500g, keel 250g, habitat 25G, Ophiopogon 25G, two candied dates, a small amount of salt


Which foods contain linolenic acid

Vegetable oil

Vegetable fats contain more unsaturated fatty acids, especially linolenic acid, which not only has the effect of strengthening one's health, but also has a nice glamorous skin effect. It is an indispensable nutrient for the skin to moisturize and fill. In addition, linole

The therapeutic value of Dendrobium

Dietary value

Orchidaceae herbaceous plants, such as stonegrass, whip stone, etc. Produced in the southwest and Guangdong, Guangxi, Anhui and other places. Mostly harvested in the autumn, dry cut, or fresh.

Canopy of cucumber in winter greenhouses

The use of formula fertilization technology, from the base fertilizer to be done mainly organic fertilizer, and N: P: K: Ca: Mg = 5: 2: 6: 9: 0.7 ratio of fertilizer applied quickly, but also pay attention to timely Supplementary boron, zinc and other fertilizers.

Coordinated manag