Eggplant Marrow disease prevention and control, experts said carefully

"Secretary Su, you come and help me to see, my eggplant seedlings in greenhouses do not know why it happened to die?" May 22, Sichuan Province, Nanjiang County, deputy director of Bureau of Agriculture, senior agronomist Su Guangming go Entering Yushu Village, Dongbu Town, he was pulled into the greenhouse by the large vegetable planter Li Yinquan. Su Guangming pulled out a dead eggplant seedling and said that it was called Eggplant Mushroom Disease, which is the main disease of eggplant. Eggplant can be affected during each growth period, and the general loss is 20% to 30%. When the disease is heavy, the loss can exceed 50%.
Observed symptoms of the seedling stage: the base of the embryonic stems became water-stained, developed rapidly, often tripped, causing seedlings to die.
Adult stage: Generally, the first onset occurs when the fruit is near the ground. At the beginning of the disease, a brownish brown spot develops and gradually enlarges, and the tip is sunken and the inside of the fruit is black and rot. When the weather is wet, the disease minister produces dense white wool. The onset of the leaves mostly starts from the edge of the leaf tip or leaf. The lesions appear dark green at the beginning and become brown afterwards. They are irregular. When wet, the diseased part also produces sparse white mold. Onset of tender shoots, water stains after the initial, after browning, contractures and even broken, the upper branches withered and dead.
Pathogens revealed that the pathogens of eggplant blight were Phytophthora parasitica, Phytophthora capsici, and Phytophthora capsici, which belonged to the flagellin subfamily fungi. Mycelium filamentous, without a diaphragm. The cysts are simple, filiform, colorless and 35-500 microns in length. The sporangia are terminal, single-celled, ovoid, papillary at the apex, (28-59) micrometers x (24.8-43.5) micrometers in size, and sporangial germination produces zoospores with double flagella. Thick-walled spores are spherical, unit cells, and pale yellow. The oospore is spherical and about 30 microns in diameter.
Grasp the regular pathogens by oospores in the soil with diseased tissue in the winter. In the second year, the oospores are splashed on the eggplant fruit by rain. The germination grows out of the germ tube. After the contact between the germ tube and the eggplant surface, an adhering device is produced. The invading silk is produced from the bottom of the eggplant, penetrates the host epidermis, and then the sporangia are formed on the lesion. After the formation of zoospore germination, spread by wind and rain, the formation of re-infection. After the fall, oospore forms in the diseased tissue. Occurrence of eggplant blight occurs in August-September high temperature and rainy season. The high temperature and raininess in the high fruit period is also beneficial. The rainy season is long and the rainfall is heavy. In particular, it is even rainy, the weather is hot, and the onset is early and heavy. Low-lying terrain, heavy soil, easy water in the field after rain, excessive dense planting, poor ventilation, and easy to cause disease.
Control methods in agricultural control:
First, choose disease-resistant varieties;
The second is that the sick fields should have more than three years of rotation with crops other than solanaceous vegetables and melons;
The third is to select easily drainable land for planting, while deep-turning the land in winter, apply organic fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, and use high-ridge cultivation, east-west direction, so that easy irrigation and easy irrigation;
The fourth is to plant the plants in a proper and dense manner, promptly blow the leaves and leaves the fields to ventilate the fields, and timely clean up and burn or bury the rotten or diseased leaves in the field.
Fifth, apply basic fertilizer, apply fertilizer in time, increase application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and avoid partial application of nitrogen fertilizer.
Physical control:
The seeds can be soaked in warm water of 55C for 15 minutes or soaked in warm water of 50C for 30 minutes.
Chemical control:
1 Soak the seed with 300 times formalin for 15 minutes, wash with water and sow;
2 Seedling stage use 75% chlorothalonil WP 600 times, or 40% EB aluminum wettable powder 200 times, or 65% dexamethasone wettable powder 500 times. Spray once every 7 days for 2-3 consecutive times;
3 When planting eggplant seedlings, use 70% thiophanate-methyl WP, or 75% of dexcone wettable powder 1:100, and 1100-1500 kg per gram of foliar or trench application soil;
4 before the onset of the disease, use 25% metalaxyl WP 500 times solution or 80% triethylaluminum phosphate 600 times to irrigate the roots. Apply 150 ml per irrigating solution and irrigate every 10 days or so.
5In the early stage of onset of spraying protection, commonly used pesticides are 80% spray WP wettable powder 600 times, or 72% dew wettable powder 800 times, or 69% ank manganese zinc wettable powder 900 times, or 40 B Phosphorus aluminum wettable powder 200 times, or 58% metalaxyl manganese zinc 400-500 times liquid and so on. For the prevention and treatment of drug resistance, different types of agents should be used for each medication.

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