Four vegetarian supplements are better for autumn

1. Shantou: Shantou is rich in starch and rich in nutrition. Each 100g fresh product contains 91 calories, protein 2.4g, fat 0.2g, carbohydrate 20.5g, calcium 14mg, phosphorus 43mg, iron 0.5mg, vitamin C10mg, vitamin B10.09mg, vitamin B20.04 Milligrams. Contains lactocan, soft texture, easy to digest, stomachic, especially suitable for patients with weak spleen and stomach, suffering from intestinal diseases, tuberculosis and patients in the recovery period. It is a good food for infants and the elderly.

2. Sweet potatoes (especially sweet potatoes in the yellow heart): They are foods rich in nutrients in food. Since sweet potatoes can supply a large amount of mucin, sugar, vitamin A, and vitamin C to the human body, they have the effects of lack of energy, energy, spleen and stomach, strong kidney yin, and stomach, warm stomach, and beneficial lungs. Therefore, eating sweet potatoes can prevent connective tissue atrophy in the liver and kidneys and prevent the occurrence of collagen diseases.

3. Cabbage: The content of vitamin C is 3.5 times that of tomatoes, and the content of calcium is 2 times that of cucumbers. Cabbage contains many trace elements such as molybdenum and manganese, and is an essential raw material for the body to make enzymes, hormones and other active substances. It can promote the metabolism of human body and is very beneficial to children's growth and development. Its large amount of vitamin C can enhance the body's ability to fight cancer.

4, radish: radish contains more water, vitamin C, a certain amount of calcium, phosphorus, carbohydrates and a small amount of protein, iron and other vitamins, also contains lignin, choline, oxidase, glycogen, amylase , mustard oil and other beneficial ingredients. The motherland medicine believes that radish-based cooling is sweet and sweet. After entering the lungs and stomach two classics, it can eliminate stagnation, phlegm-resolving fever, down-to-undergassing, and detoxification. It can be used for fullness of food products and adverse urination. Visible radish on the role of conditioning the spleen and stomach is not small, so there is "autumn radish race ginseng," said, common indigestion in autumn, wind-heat type cold, tonsillitis, cough and asthma, sore throat and other diseases also have adjuvant therapy.

Frozen Fruits

The processing method of frozen fruit refers to the preservation by low temperature quick freezing. After the fruit is frozen, the internal biochemical process stops. Because most of the water contained has been frozen into ice, the microorganisms have no water necessary for life, and the low temperature also hinders the activities and reproduction of microorganisms, so the fruit can be preserved for a long time.

The quick frozen fruits can basically maintain the original natural shape and flavor of the fruit itself, there was no significant change in color, aroma, taste and vitamins during processing and storage. The quick frozen fruits are mostly used to make other foods, such as jam, jelly, preserves, snacks, fruit juice, soda, ice cream and so on.

Due to the refrigeration devices (cold chains) are required for fruit quick freezing from processing, storage, transportation and sales, the total energy consumption is more than other processing methods, so the product cost is high.

Frozen Fruits,Frozen Grapes,Frozen Strawberries,Freezing Apples

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