Chicken house: improving environmental management

Improve the environment inside and outside the house

Strengthen the roof insulation and ventilation inside the house. Increase the insulation effect, reduce the introduction of radiant heat, and lower the temperature inside the house. Common measures are as follows: Cover the roof with a l

Management Technique of Water Quality in Crayfish Culture Pond

Good water quality is not only the need for the growth of crayfish, but also the need for crayfish to resist diseases. Therefore, water quality management of crayfish breeding is the key. The water quality management of crayfish culture ponds mainly includes the following aspects:

Manage w

What tea to drink during Dragon Boat Festival?

During the Dragon Boat Festival, the weather is relatively easy to make people feel restless and restless. It is easy to move the liver, and you may wish to have a cup of herbal tea at the same time as you eat traditional rice dumplings. Herbal tea is derived from

What nutrition to add before pregnancy?

It is not a simple matter for women to seek pregnancy. To be pregnant, nutrition is not enough. Women who are malnourished are generally very difficult to conceive, even if it is not conducive to the normal development of the fetus. Therefore, women before concepti

Summer grazing sheep meet extreme weather

Every year in the summer, it is common for herds to encounter extreme weather, such as lightning, thunder, and sudden rainstorms, while grazing in the wild. Experts suggest that farmers should pay attention to listening to the local weather forecast when they enter the summer grazing. Every mo

Method for sowing stems of Pinellia ternate

During the planting of Pinellia, horizontal trenches are drilled on the flat surface of the planting plant. The stalks of the sized and divided Pinellia stems were sown separately. The plant spacing of the stems of Pinellia ternata was relatively dilute (30X7) and the seeds sown were deeper (7

What to eat in summer to prevent heatstroke

What to eat in summer to prevent heatstroke

Eat more porridge: In the hot summer, people's gastrointestinal due to heat stimulation, the function will be relatively weakened, prone to first-class fatigue, loss of appetite and ot

Stingray seed breeding techniques

Cultivation pond conditions

The cultivation pond area should be between 1 mu and 3 mu. It requires adequate water sources, fresh water, convenient water injection and drainage, clearing excess silt at the bottom of the pond (maintaining about 10 centimeters) before restocking, and

Precautions for pregnant women after meals

There are many precautions after a meal, we must pay attention to maintenance, not to mention mothers. If you do not pay attention after a meal, it will easily lead to many adverse consequences. Therefore, mothers must pay more attention, Xiaobian arranges things t

How is it that the lantern is yellow

First look at the plant is the kind of reason, in order to remedy: (1) watering too much, long-term wet basin soil, causing the lack of oxygen in the soil, so that part of the fibrous root rot, impeding the absorption of normal breathing and water nutrients, causing the leaves to yellow Fall