Winter health starts from white food Chinese cabbage and most healthy

What should you eat in winter? Experts believe that from the point of view of the five elements and five-color regimen, after the beginning of winter, more “white” foods should be eaten to provide health benefits.
The cabbage is the most nutritious

What is the rule of rot disease in apple?

(1) Round root disease: It is a root rot caused by several kinds of fungal infections. The pathogens are all indigenous bacteria, and they can live in the soil for a long period of time. As long as the development of the roots of the tree is weak, the talents are invaded. Drought, lack of

Canned watermelon processing technology

(I. Overview

Watermelon, also known as Fugua, summer melon and so on. It belongs to the genus Cucurbita in plant taxonomy and is an annual herb. According to statistics from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, China’s watermelon production accounts for the first place

Three strokes of feed to increase the egg production rate of goose

A look at the feed geese is too fat, low egg production, and some even stop production; female geese are too thin, lack of nutrition, egg production is also low. For over-fat goose, the fine material should be properly reduced, if necessary, feed concentrates should be suspended, the breed

What are the advantages and disadvantages of drinking barley tea?

Barley tea is a traditional cool drink widely spread in China, Japan, and South Korea. Fry the barley to make it brown. Before you eat it, you only need to brew with hot water to soak the rich tea. Barley tea is prepared by frying boiled barley and boiled. There is

Not only eat meat tonic winter what vegetables tonic

Winter health is suitable for tonic, so some people think of eating meat tonic, indeed the nutrition of meat is very rich, but at the same time the heat is also high, is there no food with low calories and tonic? Of course - vegetarian! Here are the vegetarian food