Postoperative Diet Care for Gastric Cancer

From the perspective of nutrient supply, it should meet the requirements of high protein, vitamin-rich, and adequate calories.

Patients with chemotherapy during chemotherapy have poor appetite, nausea, vomiting and other reactions. The diet is sparsely soft and easy to digest, and small meals are good. If the food intake is not enough, it can be supplemented by infusion; meal time should avoid the peak time of the role of chemotherapy drugs. . Such as intravenous chemotherapy drugs, preferably on an empty stomach, because there may be nausea and vomiting, fasting can be reduced. If the oral chemotherapy drugs may have a certain stimulatory effect on the stomach, taking after meals as well, in the drug after 2 to 3 hours absorbed into the blood, when the concentration reaches the highest, even if the digestive tract reaction is fasting, the symptoms will Much lighter.

Gastric cancer surgery includes radical resection, palliative resection and gastrojejunostomy, depending on the stage of the tumor. Dietary care is usually performed approximately 3 to 4 days after natural exhaustion. Subtotal gastrectomy and total gastrectomy take different care:

1. Stomach subtotal resection adheres to small meals. After the extubation, give a small amount of drinking water, 4 to 5 tablespoons each time, every 1 to 2 hours. On the second day, a half amount of liquid food is 50 to 80 ml per meal, and the entire amount of liquid food on the third day is 100 to 150 ml each time. Slow intake, 6 to 8 times a day, intake of food containing high protein, high vitamins, and various minerals , It is better to avoid foods that are prone to flatulence. If the surgery returns to normal, porridge can be taken on the fourth day and dry rice can be taken after 10 to 14 days. The staple foods and side dishes should be soft and easy to digest and avoid eating irritating foods such as raw hard, deep-fried, strong tea, and wine.

2. The general principle of total gastrectomy is: a small number of meals, step by step, into the light digestible liquid food, and gradually transition to general food. Diet plan: stop gastrointestinal decompression after the second day began to eat sugar water, rice soup 30ml, alternating every 2 hours; the first day of 60m1, alternating every 2 hours; the fourth day to 100m1, alternating every 2 hours; the fifth day of liquid food Half the amount, the sixth, seventh, eighth, and 9th days of ingestion of the whole amount of food, the first 10 days to half the flow of food. The above plan is based on the principle that the patient complains of no discomfort. According to the specific circumstances of the disease can be modified at any time, such as the feeling of bloating, abdominal pain should stop eating, obstructive symptoms observed.

3. Precautions The preoperative interpretation should be well explained, indicating that the diet must be strictly followed the doctor's advice, not eating and drinking, and spit out spit to prevent anastomotic leakage and dumping syndrome.

1 Anastomotic fistulas with or without anastomoses tend to occur around 1 week after surgery. If the patient has poor nutrition before total gastrectomy, anastomotic leakage is more likely to occur. The symptoms are sudden severe abdominal pain, abdominal muscle tension, and elevated body temperature. At this time, you should not blindly stop the pain. You should promptly report the diagnosis to the doctor.

2 There is no dumping syndrome is common in the removal of the sphincter after the removal of the large part of the stomach, so that food into the jejunum too quickly. If you ingest more fluids or foods containing phlegm, you may not enter the jejunum quickly by mixing the gastrointestinal fluids. In a short time, hyperosmotic foods become isotonic, and a large amount of extracellular fluids are sucked into the intestine, and the blood volume is reduced.

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