The disadvantages of raising pigs in cement areas

It is easy to cause pigs' lack of minerals. Pigs have the habit of arching the soil. They can obtain the necessary minerals to meet their normal growth and development needs. However, a solid concrete floor blocks the contact between the pig and the soil. Pigs cannot obtain minerals from t

Candied fruit processing technology

1. Classification According to the size of jujube fruit, remove deformed jujube, diseased jujube, over-ripened and damaged jujube.
2. Slit seam In order to facilitate the penetration of sugar and flattening, usually in the fruit surface seams, put the jujube fruit into the cutting machine

How to make rose flowers

To make the month of the month bloom, water and fertilizer management is the foundation, timely pruning is the key. Because the plant's growth law is the first vegetative growth before they can enter the reproductive growth, vegetative growth is the stage of accumulation of nutrients for r

The role of the golden treasure sweetener

The role of the sweet baby sweetener The lack of sweetness of the melon is a common problem that plagues the majority of melon farmers. Solving this problem requires a combination of breeding and cultivation. The breeding method is to obtain high-sweetness varieties th

Method for cultivating nectarine rootstock seedlings

Most of the rootstocks are obtained through sowing and breeding, while some varieties, such as GF677, must maintain the characteristics of the rootstock through vegetative propagation.
1. Seedlings breeding

(1) Nursery nurseries require smooth and well-drained sandy loam. Sowi

Winter Seed Potato Seed Selection and Field Management

First, seed potato selection and treatment

Seed potato is the most important factor in obtaining high yield in addition to varieties in winter potato production. It is necessary to attach great importance to the problem of seed potato, so that the seed potato should achieve the bes

Jinbao micro fermentation

Jinbao Micro-storage Fermentation mixes the Jinbao feed fermentation aid into micro-storage materials (straw, wheat straw, corn stover, etc.), then anaerobic fermentation process in a sealed cellar for a certain period of time to make the crop stalks The acid-flavou

Common Diseases of Pachira - Roots and Leaves

The common diseases of Pachira are root rot and leaf blight.

First, the root (stem) rot This is a serious harm to the common diseases of the money tree, also known as rot disease. Prevention methods: (1) Keep the cultivation environment dry and attach great importance to the disinf

Deep-season production management advice for greenhouse vegetables

At present, the solar greenhouse vegetable production is in the low temperature period of winter, which is the most unfavorable period in the greenhouse production. It is prone to unfavorable climatic conditions in cloudy days, snow days and foggy days, especially in continuous cloudy days

Planting black sweet potato is delicious and increases

As one of the famous premium products promoted by Tianjin Xueqing Agricultural Product Cooperatives, Black Sweet Potato represented Tianjin City to participate in the annual “Beijing International Agricultural Products Fair” and was favored by many consumers and merchants (supermar

Why Fertilizer Fermenters Are So Adaptable?

Fertilizers have been widely used nowadays. Its function is very strong and it is basically invincible. Why is it so strong? Let's take the nutritive fertilizer Fermentation agent for example. The Goldbeet Fermentation Fermentation Aid is a complex flora consisting of bacteria, filamentous

Tea plantation correct fertilization five-fourth watch three attention

Correct and reasonable fertilization is a necessary measure to ensure that the tea gardens increase yield and quality and promote the growth of tea plants. There are two methods, root fertilization and foliar fertilization. The root fertilization has basal fertilizer a